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Conformance results of achievement standards related to web accessibility

Last updated on October 11, 2024.

December 18, 2020, February 5, 2021 and March 8, 2021

Achievement Criteria List
A detailed bulletAchievement CriteriaConformance levelApplicationResultsRemarks
1.1.1Achievement criteria for non-text contentANo applicableConformanceNo applicable content within the test scope
1.2.1Achievement criteria for media that only contain recorded audio and media that only contains recorded videoANo applicableConformanceNo audio or video content within the test scope
1.2.2Achievement criteria for captioning recorded audio contentANo applicableConformanceNo audio content within the test range
1.2.3Achievement criteria for alternative content or audio guides for recorded video contentANo applicableConformanceNo audio or video content within the test scope
1.2.4Achievement criteria for captioning live audio contentAANo applicableConformanceNo audio content within the test range
1.2.5Achievement criteria for audio guides for recorded video contentAANo applicableConformanceNo video content within the test scope
1.3.1Achievement Criteria for Information and RelationshipsAApplicationConformance 
1.3.2Achievement criteria for meaningful orderAApplicationConformance 
1.3.3Achievement criteria for sensory characteristicsAApplicationConformance 
1.4.1Criteria for Use of ColorsAApplicationConformance 
1.4.2Achievement criteria for voice controlANo applicableConformanceNo audio content within the test range
1.4.3Achievement criteria for minimum contrastAAApplicationConformance 
1.4.4Achievement criteria for resizing textAAApplicationConformance 
1.4.5Achievement criteria for imaged charactersAANo applicableConformanceNo applicable content within the test scope
2.1.1Achievement criteria for keyboard operationAApplicationConformance 
2.1.2Achievement criteria for focus movementAApplicationConformance 
2.2.1Achievement criteria for adjustable time limitsANo applicableConformanceNo applicable content within the test scope
2.2.2Achievement criteria for suspension, suspension and hidingANo applicableConformanceNo applicable content within the test scope
2.3.1Achieving criteria for less than three flashes or breath (threshold) valuesANo applicableConformanceNo applicable content within the test scope
2.4.1Achievement criteria for block skippingAApplicationConformance 
2.4.2Achievement criteria for page titleAApplicationConformance 
2.4.3Achievement criteria for focus orderAApplicationConformance 
2.4.4Achievement criteria for the purpose of links in contextAApplicationConformance 
2.4.5Achievement criteria for multiple means of arrivalAAApplicationConformance 
2.4.6Achievement criteria for headings and labelsAAApplicationConformance 
2.4.7Achievement criteria for visually recognizable focusAAApplicationConformance 
3.1.1Achievement Criteria for Languages on PagesAApplicationConformance 
3.1.2Achievement criteria for language partially usedAANo applicableConformanceNo applicable elements within the test range
3.2.1Achievement Criteria for On FocusAApplicationConformance 
3.2.2Achieving Criteria for Changes in Conditions by User Interface ComponentsAApplicationConformance 
3.2.3Achievement criteria for consistent navigationAAApplicationConformance 
3.2.4Achievement criteria for consistent identificationAAApplicationConformance 
3.3.1Achievement criteria for identification of input error pointsAApplicationConformance 
3.3.2Achievement criteria for labels or descriptionsAApplicationConformance 
3.3.3Achievement criteria for presenting an input error correction methodAANo applicableConformanceNo applicable elements within the test range
3.3.4Achievement criteria for legal obligations, financial transactions, data changes, and error avoidance of response transmissionAANo applicableConformanceNo applicable content within the test scope
4.1.1Achievement criteria for syntax analysisAApplicationConformance 
4.1.2Achievement criteria for identifying names, roles, and configurable values that the program can interpret.AApplicationConditional conformance※ 

Of the screens to be verified, if even one screen is applied, it is set as "Apply", and if all screens are not applied, it is set as "Not applicable".
※ Due to the nature of the system, the use of Ajax technology is mandatory, so it is conditionally adapted.

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Page ID: 694-206-077


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