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2020 Yokohama Top 10 News

We had many citizens vote again this year. Thank you very much for your cooperation.

Last updated on December 16, 2020.

Yokohama Top 10 News

Results of voting

At the end of the year, "Yokohama Top 10 News", where you can vote on events and municipal administration news that happened in Yokohama City at the end of the year
This year, we had 7,546 citizens vote and decided as follows.

Top 3
No. 1

"New lifestyles" to prevent the expansion of COVID-19 infection will spread
A mass infection on board the Diamond Princess in February and a declaration of a state of emergency announcement in April.
Lifestyle changes, such as avoiding "three secrets" and working from home. (February, April, May)

3,884 votes
2nd place

New government building in Yokohama City Hall is completed
The new city hall, which is directly connected to Bashamichi Station, has commercial facilities and atriums that create bustle in the low-rise areas.
Citizens' use functions such as the Citizens' Collaboration Promotion Center, and council and administrative functions were consolidated in middle and high-rise areas. (June)

3,527 votes
3rd place

Yoshihide Suga became the 99th Prime Minister
Mr. Yoshihide Suga, elected from Kanagawa District 2 of the House of Representatives, was elected Prime Minister.
The first prime minister was born from Yokohama. (September)

3,246 votes



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