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2021 Yokohama Top 10 News

We had many citizens vote again this year. Thank you very much for your cooperation.

Last updated on December 24, 2021.

Yokohama Top 10 News

Results of voting

At the end of the year, "Yokohama Top 10 News", where you can vote on events and municipal administration news that happened in Yokohama City at the end of the year
This year, 6,090 citizens voted and decided as follows.

No. 1

Takeharu Yamanaka became the 33rd Mayor of Yokohama in the election of Mayor of Yokohama
Yamanaka was elected for the first time in the mayoral election, which was the largest number of eight people in the past. The voter turnout was 49.05%, the highest turnout since 1978, which was out of the unified local election, except in 2009, which was the same day as the lower house election. (August)

3,962 votes
2nd place

Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games will be held.
There were 38 games at Yokohama Stadium and Yokohama International Stadium, including baseball, softball, and soccer (boys and girls). In baseball and softball, Japan won each gold medal. (July to September)

3,266 votes
3rd place

Withdrawal of IR invitation and cancellation of examination of new theater plan
The city withdrew the invitation to IR and stopped considering a new theater plan. The organization of the IR Promotion Office and the Arts Creation Office, which were in charge of each business, was abolished. (October)

3,107 votes


You can choose from three present courses (PDF: 729KB).
※The winner's announcement of the present will be replaced by sending the prize.
 Winners will be shipped from late December to early February.

 In addition, resale of gifts is prohibited.


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