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February 2025 issue Have you ever talked about the last one you want? That's why "Hello Notebook"!

Last updated on March 27, 2025.

 As the name implies, the Handbook is a handbook for discussing in advance what kind of treatment and care you want in the event of a major illness or injury, and conveying your thoughts. By conveying your thoughts, you are more likely to spend a rich life on your own until the end. This time, I would like to introduce you to the Japanese restaurant.
 In the February issue of the Public Relations Yokohama (outside site), we will inform you of the lecture “Recruitment of medical care, nursing care, and money learned from cases in case of emergency” (sponsored by City of Yokohama, Medical Care Bureau).

What kind of thing is "Hello"?

 Have you ever seen a transparent cover with insurance cards, patient's card Shinryo-ken, medicine notebooks, etc.? Didn't you think "it looks convenient" or "I want it too"? The "Hello Notebook" is contained in the cover.

"Hello Notebook" and cover

 You can get it immediately if you tell us at the window of the ward office that "Please give me a" handbook "." Of course, it's free!

Yokohama-shi homepage: What if you have a notebook about medical care and care

Distribution location of "Hello Notebook" : The ward office's Elderly and Disabled Support Division window, community care plaza, home medical cooperation base (home medical consultation room), some city pharmacies, hospitals, clinics, etc.

Why do you think about it in advance?

 Anyone can be hit by a major life-threatening illness or injury. It is said that in a serious condition, about 70% of people will find it difficult to decide on their own medical care and care in the future, and to convey their wishes to others.
 Talking with a trusted person in advance will increase your chances of living a rich life like yourself until the end. Some people may think that "it's not auspicious" or "it's still early," but I don't know when to visit.
 That's why why don't you talk with the "Hello Notebook"?

You can see why the "Hello Notebook" is useful! Yokohama City "Life Conference" What is a short drama?

 Thinking in advance what kind of medical care and care you want in the event of an emergency, repeatedly discussing and sharing with your family, trusted people, and healthcare / care workers is called a "life conference." In Yokohama City, we have created a short drama and released it on YouTube to deepen our understanding of the importance of the "Life Conference" and the "What if Notebook".
 There are two works by generation, starring Naoto Takenaka and Reiko Takashima. Both are easy to see, with a length of about 12 minutes. You can see exactly how the "Hello Notebook" is useful. Please take a look at it!

Minori's generation (elderly) edition-In a city where everyone can see-

Starring: Naoto Takenaka
[You can watch from Yokohama-shi official YouTube channel]

Work prime generation (middle age)-In a town with a green view-

Starring: Reiko Takashima
[You can watch from Yokohama-shi official YouTube channel]

I would like to introduce how to use the "Hello Notebook"!

 The "Hello Notebook" contains three questions, assuming that "if you have a sickness that does not cure" or "if you can't convey your feelings."

If you have three questions

[Question 1] Treatment and care What kind of treatment and care do you want to receive?
[Question 2] If you can't decide on treatment or care on your own, who do you want to talk to instead?
[Question 3] Where do you want to stay if you get sick?

 Thinking, discussing, and rewriting this question will help you organize your thoughts.

 But even if you ask suddenly, it seems easy and very difficult.
 So I asked the Medical Care Bureau Regional Medical Section, which has jurisdiction over the Handbook, how to use it.

― How should I use the "Hello Notebook"?

"Hello Notebook" is a tool that conveys your feelings. If you think specifically about what you want to do in the following three steps, you can organize your thoughts more.

1.Think about what you value

 What do you like to enjoy, live, and do you like?
 Answering the three questions in the "Hello Notebook" while keeping in mind what you value is an important point for living like you.

2.Talk to someone you can trust

 If you think in your heart, hope is hard to come true. Please tell your current feelings to your trusted family and friends.
 If you are receiving medical or nursing care, it is also important to talk with medical and nursing staff.

3.Write down what I said

 Please write the date, partner, contents, etc. that you talked about in the "Hello Notebook".
 And if possible, by sharing it with the person who spoke, I think that you can convey your thoughts firmly.

What is even more important is to talk repeatedly.

 People's feelings are not the same, they change.
 Let's review it regularly when there is a change in your health or living environment or when you receive a physical checkup. If you change your mind, try rewrite the "Hello Notebook". If you want a new "what if you want a new "book" to rewrite, you can get it again at the ward office window.

― Even though you know it's important, it's also a hard-to-talk theme, right?

 I think it's hard to talk about without a chance. Please try to use the "Hello Notebook" as an opportunity. I think it would be easy to understand for everyone to watch the Yokohama City "Life Conference" short drama.

― I think there are many people who can't answer right away because it's related to their lives.…

 The feeling of "I don't want to think", "I don't know" or "I can't decide" is also very important. First of all, I think about it at my own pace.
 Also, unlike the wills and prior instructions, the "Hazake Notebook" does not have legal binding or compulsory at the emergency site. Please note that the purpose is to encourage discussions and share them.

― Once you write it, you just need to keep it in a safe place, right?

 As time passes or your health changes, people's feelings change. Rather than filling out and leaving the "Hello Notebook" only once, I would like you to think repeatedly and discuss it.

― Do young people don't need a notebook?

 I don't know when it's "what if," I would like you to use the "Hello Notebook" from now on so that your family and loved ones will not be in trouble.

We talked to everyone who cooperated in the distribution of the "Hello Notebook"!

Yoshiko Teraki, Chairman of the Kanazawa Ward Consumer Affairs Committee Children's Committee

― What kind of activities are the members of the local welfare committee?

 As a member of the local welfare committee, we provide consultation and support from the residents in the area in charge regarding various living problems and concerns, and connect to specialized agencies such as ward offices and community care plazas so that we can receive necessary support I play a role.

― How do you guide the residents of the city with the "Hello Notebook"?

 The "Hello Notebook" seems to be for the elderly, but I think it is necessary regardless of age, so I bring it with you when visiting your home. I feel that the significance of the "Happiness Notebook" was conveyed by giving them instructions on how to use it, and it was an opportunity to think about what happened.
 Your feelings and family situation may change, and there may be consultations from those who need to rewrite. We will give you the "Hello Notebook" again upon your request.
 This initiative has spread throughout the Kanazawa Ward.

― What kind of effect did you have by handing out the "Huidebook"?

 "Hello Notebook" is also useful as a communication tool. The number of people living alone and elderly people is increasing, and I don't know emergency contact number when something happens is a problem as a member of the public welfare committee. In some cases, recommending a "Hello Notebook" to homes that visit for the first time has led to necessary support.

Mr. Daikan Josho, manager of Marui Dept. Store Yokohama store at the window of Hoken

― What kind of shop is this?

 The Company was established as an insurance agent in 1995, and opened its first store in Yokohama in 2000, with approximately 700 stores nationwide. It is a shop that helps customers choose insurance from more than 40 insurance companies and more than 300 products according to their wishes, and is used by many people in Yokohama City.

― How do you guide the residents of the city with the "Hello Notebook"?

Information notices used at stores

 Yokohama City and Hoken Window Group Co., Ltd. have concluded an agreement on the spread and enlightenment of the "Hello Notebook" and started distributing it in August last year.
 When considering enrolling in life insurance, medical insurance, etc., it is also a time to think about what happens, so I think it is the best opportunity to give you a handbook. Including our store, 10 directly managed stores (excluding partner stores, etc.) in the city will give you a "Huidebook" and guide you on how to use it. I am delighted to be involved in community contribution in this way.

Stores directly managed by the city Marui Dept. Store Yokohama store, Yokohama Joey eggplant store, Toresa Yokohama store, Tsunashima station square store, Kohoku North Port mall store, Mosaic mall Kohoku store, Aobadai station square store, Sakuras Tozuka store, Higashitotsuka Aurora Mall 5F store, Higashitotsuka Aurora Mall 7F store

― What kind of effect did you have by handing out the "Huidebook"?

 Our management philosophy is "the best company for our customers," and we feel that we are even more trusted by our customers by working together with Yokohama City Hall.
 Customers said, "I didn't know that there was a useful tool like the" If you had this notebook, you can talk really with your family and listen to the feelings of your family as well as yourself. It's very good. " There are a wide range of customers who come to our store to consult with us, and some young people are also young. Some people wanted to use the "Hello Notebook" as an opportunity to talk not only to themselves but also to their parents and elderly relatives.
 I feel that introducing the "Huidebook" is an opportunity to think about "what if" and I hope that people of various ages will use it.

Mr. Yasuaki Yamamoto, Chief in charge of emergency demand countermeasures and medical cooperation in Fire Bureau Emergency Planning Division, staff member Daisuke Masui

― How do you distribute "what if notebook" to inhabitants of a ward?

Left: Mr. Yamamoto, right: Masui staff

 Since October 2024, Fire Bureau has put an emergency relief card in the cover of the "Homebook" and distributes it at events, lectures, and workshops on preventive emergency and disaster prevention in the community. The Emergency Relief Card is a card that describes the emergency contact number and your GP when you get sick or injured, and summarizes how to act. By checking the rescue squad at the time of an emergency request, it is useful for prompt transportation to a medical institution.
 In some emergency requests, there are quite a few cases where an ambulance is called contrary to the will of the individual. We hope that using the “Emergency Security Card” and the “Huidebook” together will lead to the response desired by the individual and the provision of appropriate medical care.

We talked to those who actually used the "Hello Notebook"!

★It was easier than I thought, and I was able to write smoothly. When I thought alone, I didn't think too deeply, but by talking to my husband, I was able to tell the other party why I chose that option while organizing my own reasons. I've never talked like this before, but it's easy to get out of the story, "If you got a" notebook "."

★From the experience of my relatives' death, I originally talked with my wife about the end of life. This time, I got a "Hello Notebook" and it was an opportunity to discuss again. In addition to the three questions, conversations spread, such as graves, funerals, and how to share passwords.

 Even if you can't talk suddenly, it's a good idea to start by thinking about the question of the "Hello Notebook" yourself. It seems that it is recommended to talk about your important things first while showing your family and others, "I got this kind of thing."
 Also, it's a good idea to give it to an important person. After a while, I asked, "Speaking of that, did you think about it?" Such conversations may create opportunities for discussion.

"Medical care, nursing care, and money to know from cases in case of emergency" held on March 15, 2025! [* This lecture has ended]

 In this lecture, three experts will talk with examples so that you can imagine the end of your life more specifically. It is a valuable opportunity to hear from each expert about what kind of medical and nursing care services are available and how to pay attention.
 In addition, we will distribute a "Hello Notebook" and a cotton bag as a visitor privilege. Please come to the venue. We look forward to your participation!

Cotton bag

Date and time From Saturday, March 15, 2025 13:00 to 15:00
[Place] City hall atrium
[Capacity] First 200 people (residents and working in Yokohama City)
[Application period] From February 11, 2025 (Tuesday / holiday) to Monday, March 10
[How to apply] Please apply from Yokohama-shi electronic application, report system (outside site).

※Specifically, Yokohama-shi homepage: Please see page of "citizen enlightenment lecture to promote home medical care".

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