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  7. About Yokohama-shi information disclosure, personal information protection examination committee report from 3087 to 3111

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About Yokohama-shi information disclosure, personal information protection examination committee report from 3087 to 3111

Last updated on August 13, 2024.

Press release materials

August 13, 2024

Civic Affairs Bureau Citizen Information Division

Masao Hiraga

TEL: 045-671-3881

Fax: 045-664-7201

The Yokohama City Information Disclosure and Personal Information Protection Examination Committee (Chairman Matsumura (Matsumura) Masao (Masao)) has submitted the following 25 reports today.
In Report No. 3087, we judge that the non-disclosure decision made by the mayor of Yokohama is appropriate.
From Report No. 3088 to No. 3099, the Mayor of Yokohama identified the administrative documents listed in the "Request for Examination" column of the separate report, and determined that the decision made to partially disclose was appropriate, respectively. .
In Report No. 3100 and No. 3101, the Mayor of Yokohama identifies the retained personal information listed in the report separate table, and judges that the decisions made to be disclosed are appropriate, respectively.
In Report No. 3102 and No. 3103, the Mayor of Yokohama identifies the retained personal information listed in the report separate table, and judges that the decisions made to be disclosed are appropriate, respectively.
In Report No. 3104, the Mayor of Yokohama identified the "Request for Disclosure dated February 10, 2020", and determined that the decision made to partially disclose was appropriate.
From Report No. 3105 to No. 3109, the Mayor of Yokohama identified the administrative documents listed in the "Request for Examination" column of the separate report, and judged that the decision made to partially disclose was appropriate, respectively.
In Report No. 3110, Mayor Yokohama said, "I heard that the executing agency has processed the document prepared by the claimant as a public hearing document on April 17, 2023. Request the disclosure of the number of public hearing No. 1 or the number. We have determined that the decision not to disclose as not holding it is appropriate.
In Report No. 3111, Mayor Yokohama stated, "If the request for examination was omitted in the Asahitaka No. 2905 Decision on March 31, 2023, the decision not to disclose the request document as falling under Article 9 of the Ordinance, It is not deemed to be revoked. We visited a copy of the Yokohama City Information Disclosure and Personal Information Protection Examination Committee Report (Report No. 2979) on May 11, 2023 and received it, but we did not hold any enforcement documents that we decided to make a decision not to disclose as we did.

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