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Last updated on September 30, 2024.
Press release materials
September 30, 2024
Civic Affairs Bureau Human Rights Division
Masayasu Sasai
TEL: 045-671-3984
Fax: 045-681-5453
Every year from November 25 to December 1 is "Criminal Victims Week".
In Yokohama City, we hold a lecture every year during Crime Victim Week so that everyone can know about possible crime damage.
This year, we invited the mother of Ryota Uemura a victim of the murder of a boy in Kawasaki City, as a lecturer, and how children and siblings who were victims of crime can be supported at schools and communities. Think about what you can do.
As SNS triggers and the risk of children going to commit crimes increases, why don't you think together through attending lectures?
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Civic Affairs Bureau Human Rights Division
Phone: 045-671-2718
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Fax: 045-681-5453
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Page ID: 615-540-252
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