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  7. First-aid music session! We will hold a special emergency day event by Minami fire department Yokohama City and City University Center Hospital!

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First-aid music session! We will hold a special emergency day event by Minami fire department Yokohama City and City University Center Hospital!

Last updated on August 8, 2024.

Press release materials

August 8, 2024

Fire Bureau Minami fire department General Affairs and Prevention Division

Keita Hayakawa

TEL: 045-253-0119

Fax: 045-253-0119

Minami fire department in Yokohama and Yokohama City University Medical Center (City University Center Hospital) focused on children's safety.
Under the title of "MINAMI Children Q (Salvation) Q (Sudden) Lecture & Medical Concert", an event will be held in line with "Emergency Day" on September 9.
Doctors and nurses give lectures on prevention of accidents in children and raise the safety awareness of local people about children.
In addition, concerts by the Yokohama City Fire Music Band and the Minami fire brigade Voice Band will be held as well as exhibitions of ambulances and exocars.
                                                                                    <Related Projects> "This is Mirai's ambulance!"
We are looking for pictures of Mirai's Ambulance for children under elementary school age living in Minami Ward. Please send us your ideas to improve the ambulance.
                                                                                                 ✨✨✨ [Limited to visitors] "Pow Patrol" goods will be given an application ticket for 10 people by lottery!✨✨✨

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Fire Bureau Minami fire department General Affairs and Prevention Division

Phone: 045-253-0119

Phone: 045-253-0119

Fax: 045-253-0119

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