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Reemployment of Yokohama City Staff

Last updated on March 17, 2025.

In Yokohama-shi, about reemployment of staff (section manager class or higher) retiring from city, we establish "handling summary about reemployment of Yokohama-shi staff" and announce the reemployment situation and ensure the transparency and reliability We strive to secure it.

Major system contents

1.Selection by Motoichi affiliates and other groups
By selection (interviews, etc.) performed by Motoichi affiliates or other groups, the recruitment of staff is decided.

2.Announcement of Reemployment Status
July every year ※In addition, we publish the situation of reemployment on Motoichi homepage and offer for reading in citizen information center (Yokohama-shi Government building the third floor).
※In fiscal 2020, it was announced in August due to the impact of COVID-19 infection.
3.Restrictions on reemployment at a private company
Employees shall, in principle, refrain from reemployment at companies that are closely related to their duties during the last five years of Retirement for the next two years of Retirement.

Flow of Procedure

Figure of the procedure flow

1.All persons scheduled to retire at the age of 60 who were in a section manager or higher position at the age of 60 will submit the “Retirement Planned Person Intention Record and Human Resource Information Registration Application Form (Form 1-1)”, regardless of whether they intend to re-employ. In addition, employees who wish to retire before retirement age after the age of 60 and were in a position of section manager or higher at the age of 60 will submit the “Retirement Planned Person Intention Record and Human Resources Registration Application Form (Form 1-2)”.
※If you do not intend to re-employ, you will be registered as information on the retired employee.

2.Motoichi affiliates and other organizations that wish to recruit Motoichi Retirement staff (hereinafter referred to as "groups, etc.") submit the "Recruitment Information Registration Application Form (Form 2)".
※As a general rule, it will be submitted via the Personnel Section of the Ward Bureau, which has jurisdiction over the groups.

3.4. In providing information on human resources that match the recruitment information of groups, etc., provide human resources information to groups, etc. while coordinating (exchange of opinions, etc.) with the personnel department in charge of the ward bureau in charge of the group, etc. Request adjustment of the (interview) schedule.

5.Organizations, etc. will contact the Human Resources Division via the Personnel Division in charge of the selection (interview, etc.) schedule via the Personnel Division in charge of the organization.

6.We will inform you of the recruitment information of the organization and the selection schedule (interview, etc.) via the Personnel Section of the prospective Retirement.

7.8. Organizations conduct selection (interviews, etc.) and report the results of the selection (acceptance or rejection) to the Personnel Section via the Personnel Section in charge of the organization, and contact the Personnel Section of the prospective hire.

9.Organizations and prospective hires confirm the contents stipulated in the "Handling Guidelines for Reemployment of Yokohama City Staff" and the "Summary of Personnel and Salary Standards for Officers and Staff of Affiliated Organizations" and submit a confirmation letter (Form 3 or Form 4) to the Human Resources Division via the Human Resources Division atRetirement, which is responsible for the organization.

10. We will announce the place of employment. (July every year*)
※In fiscal 2020, it was announced in August due to the impact of COVID-19 infection.


"Handling summary about reemployment of the staff of Yokohama-shi" (PDF: 499KB)
"Summary of personnel affairs and salary standards of officers and staff such as affiliated organizations" (PDF: 167KB)

Registration of job information

For corporations and local governments wishing to newly recruit, the contents of the "Handling Guidelines for Reemployment of Yokohama City Staff" (publication of reemployment status, etc.) and the "Summary of Personnel and Salary Standards of Officers and Staff such as affiliated organizations" Please accept the contents (retirement age and annual income limit, etc.) and send the recruitment information registration application form by e-mail or mail.

※Depending on the content of the job offer, we may not register the job offer information.

※Please note that even if you register as a recruitment information, if there is no human resource information that matches the recruitment information as a result of the adjustment, we may not be able to provide human resource information.

"Recruitment Information Registration Application Form" (word: 17KB)

"Recruitment Information Registration Application Form" (PDF: 274KB)

E-mail destination
[email protected] (City of Yokohama, General Affairs Bureau Human Resources Division)

Mail address
6-50-10 Honcho, Naka-ku, Yokohama City of Yokohama, General Affairs Bureau Human Resources Division

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Inquiries to this page

Personnel Division, Human Resources Department, General Affairs Bureau

Phone: 045-671-2072

Phone: 045-671-2072

Fax: 045-662-7712

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 841-617-298


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