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  7. [Application has been closed] [Economic Affairs Bureau] Recruitment of appointment staff (new industry creation section office work assistance duties) for the fiscal year adopted in November 2023

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[Application has been closed] [Economic Affairs Bureau] Recruitment of appointment staff (new industry creation section office work assistance duties) for the fiscal year adopted in November 2023

We are looking for fiscal year staff to work in the New Industry Creation Division, Economic Affairs Bureau Startup Innovation Promotion Office.

Last updated on September 18, 2024.


New Industry Creation Division Administrative Aid, etc.
(Certificate issuance affairs, various surveys, document preparation, inquiry response, correspondence to next agency, etc.)

Application requirements

  1. Being able to operate a personal computer (word, Excel, PowerPoint, e-mail, etc.)
  2. Being able to respond to telephone calls and to the next agency
  3. Those who do not fall under the disqualification provisions of Article 16 of the Local Public Service Act

Employment conditions, etc.

Number of applicants

1 person


8,490 yen per day
※Commuting expenses (equivalent to actual expenses) are paid separately.

Appointment period

From November 1, 2015 to March 31, 2016
※There is no plan to renew the employment period.

Working hours

From 8:45 to 17:15 (including one-hour break)

Work location

Yokohama City Hall Economic Affairs Bureau New Industry Creation Division (10, 6-50 Honcho, Naka-ku, Yokohama)


Annual leave, etc.
※According to "Rules on Working Hours and Holidays for Employees Appointed in Yokohama City Fiscal Year"

Social insurance, etc.

Joined employee health insurance (Yokohama City Mutual Aid Association), Employees' Pension Insurance and employment insurance


Other working conditions are based on related regulations such as the regulations about salary and expense compensation of staff appointed in Yokohama-shi fiscal year.

How to apply

Application documents

Submission method

Download the application documents from the website and mail it to the following address or apply by bringing it.
〒231-0005 6-50-10 Honcho, Naka-ku, Yokohama 31st floor
Economic Affairs Bureau New Industry Creation Division, Yokohama City Fiscal Year Appointment Staff Recruitment
Must arrive at 17:00 on Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Selection method and selection schedule

Primary selection

Document review

Secondary selection

Selection by interview
 Interview date and time specified on Tuesday, October 3, 2023
 Interview location in Yokohama City Hall Main Building

Final pass/fail decision

We will notify you of the selection results by e-mail by Thursday, October 5.

Download the application guidelines


(1) Please note that documents submitted in this selection will not be returned.
(2) The personal information provided will not be used for any purpose other than office work related to selection and recruitment.
(3) Transportation expenses to the selection venue will be borne by yourself.


Economic Affairs Bureau New Industry Creation Division Fiscal Year Appointment Staff
Phone: 045-671-3487
E-mail: [email protected]

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Inquiries to this page

Innovation Promotion Division, Economic Affairs Bureau Business Innovation Department

Phone: 045-671-4600

Phone: 045-671-4600

Fax: 045-664-4867

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 560-082-599


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