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About press release

Last updated on October 29, 2024.

Announcement for this fiscal year

Past News







February 1, 2019 Research in the marine field x the forefront of business! Departing from Yokohama! "Sea and Industrial Revolution Convention (Umikon 2019)" held
From December 3, 2018 to "Ocean Hub Yokohama", expand dialogue and exchange among companies, research institutes, universities, etc. -Umikon 2019 "Sea and Industry Innovation Convention" Pre-registration starts!
November 8, 2018 Regarding proposals and requests regarding the national system and budget (Metropolitan City System Promotion Division) Yokohama City made proposals and requests to the country regarding the promotion of marine policy.
June 1, 2018 Dissemination of the charm of the sea! "Ocean Hub Yokohama Umi Expo 2018" will be held! (PDF:3,875KB)


September 14, 2017 National Research and Development Agency Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC) and Yokohama City signed a comprehensive partnership agreement on regional revitalization.
August 7, 2017 21,000 people came to "Yokohama Umi Expo"! From children to adults, experience the various charms of the sea
June 9, 2017-Aiming for "Ocean Hub Yokohama", expanding exchanges between companies and universities related to the ocean! ~ "Business Exchange Seminar with Scotland Companies and Universities in Yokohama" will be held for the first time.
Ocean Hub Yokohama Umi Expo 2017 will be held!

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