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Last updated on July 21, 2020.
Press release materials
July 21, 2020
Policy Bureau Policy Division
Kazuhiro Kobayashi
TEL: 045-671-4172
Fax: 045-663-4613
Ocean Hub is promoting the creation of new urban attractions, centered on the Marine Association of Yokohama, which is made up of companies and organizations related to oceans.
As part of this effort, the Ocean Hub Yokohama Virtual Umi Expo 2020 will be held from Saturday, August 1 to Wednesday, September 30, to disseminate the diverse appeal of the sea to many citizens, including children who will lead the future.
In order to prevent the spread of COVID-19 infection, this event will be held for the first time as a virtual sea Expo using online instead of the conventional format held in Osanbashi Hall. As before, we have prepared a lot of content that allows you to enjoy learning about vehicles, creatures, and the environment that work in Umi, so please join us.
"Ocean Hub Yokohama Virtual Umi Expo 2020" will be held! (PDF:3,472KB)
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Management Strategy Division, Management Strategy Division, Policy Administration Bureau
Phone: 045-671-2010
Phone: 045-671-2010
Fax: 045-663-4613
E-Mail address [email protected]
Page ID: 270-486-193
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