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"Yokohama Special Self-Government City University Rules" has been revised.

Last updated on March 26, 2021.

Press release materials

March 26, 2021

Policy Bureau Metropolitan System Promotion Division

Saori Takahashi

TEL: 045-671-4323

Fax: 045-651-6561

 In March 2013, with the aim of early establishment of a special self-government municipal system, which is a metropolitan system suitable for Yokohama City, we requested and proposed the establishment of the system to the national government, etc., and to contribute to the exchange of opinions with citizens, prefectures, municipalities in the prefecture, and economic organizations, etc., through discussions with the City Counsil, we formulated the Yokohama Special Self-Government City University Rules.
 At the time of formulation, this general rule was stated, "We will continue to consider based on national trends and the contents of the report of the 30th Local System Investigation Committee, and revise it as necessary." Based on trends in the country and Yokohama City regarding the reform of the metropolitan system after the formulation, the Yokohama Special Self-Government City University Rules have been revised.

Press release materials

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