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  7. [Press Release] About holding of the first Yokohama-shi new theater maintenance Exploratory Committee in 2020

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[Press Release] About holding of the first Yokohama-shi new theater maintenance Exploratory Committee in 2020

Last updated on June 1, 2020.

Press release materials

June 1, 2020

Policy Bureau Theater Planning Division

Miki Soma

TEL: 045-671-4196

Fax: 045-663-4613

 Become a new base for the creation and transmission of cultural arts in Yokohama City, leading to the revitalization of the city
In June last year, as an affiliated organization of the mayor, a new theater was organized in Yokohama City in June last year to consider the development of a new theater.
The Bi Review Committee was set up, and on December 2, the proposal (primary) was compiled.
 Based on this proposal, we will continue in fiscal 2020 to examine issues such as management and operation and basic plans.
A review committee will be held.
 This time, the first review committee meeting will be held in FY2020. COVID-19 feeling
From the viewpoint of preventing the spread of dyeing, it will be held in writing (June 8-10).

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Inquiries to this page

Theatre Planning Division, Theater Planning Department, Policy Bureau Art Creation Division

Phone: 045-671-4196

Phone: 045-671-4196

Fax: 045-663-4613

E-Mail address [email protected]

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