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  7. [Press Release] About holding of Yokohama-shi new theater maintenance Exploratory Committee fourth basic plan Exploratory Committee

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[Press Release] About holding of Yokohama-shi new theater maintenance Exploratory Committee fourth basic plan Exploratory Committee

Last updated on September 14, 2020.

Press release materials

September 14, 2020

Policy Bureau Theater Planning Division

Nobuaki Suzuki

TEL: 045-671-3375

Fax: 045-550-3608

In June 2019, as an affiliated organization of the mayor, "Yokohama City New Theater Development Exploratory Committee" was established as an affiliated organization of the mayor to become a new base for the creation and transmission of cultural arts in Yokohama City and to consider new theater maintenance that will lead to the revitalization of the town. We have established the "(hereinafter referred to as the Exploratory Committee) and are proceeding with the study.
In addition, in this fiscal year, the “Basic Plan Study Group” and the “Management and Operation Study Group” were set up under the Review Committee to examine the outline of the facility plan and the contents of management and operation as necessary subjects for judging commercialization. Group ”has been established.
As we hold the fourth basic plan examination sectional meeting as follows, we will tell.

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