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  7. We hold "Yokohama-shi Kanagawa adjustment meeting, Kawasaki-shi Kanagawa adjustment meeting (joint holding)"

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We hold "Yokohama-shi Kanagawa adjustment meeting, Kawasaki-shi Kanagawa adjustment meeting (joint holding)"

Last updated on November 10, 2020.

Press release materials

November 10, 2020

Policy Bureau Metropolitan System Promotion Division

Nobuko Nagahisa

TEL: 045-671-2109

Fax: 045-663-6561

 We hold "Yokohama-shi Kanagawa adjustment meeting, Kawasaki-shi Kanagawa adjustment meeting (joint holding)" as follows, and Mayor Fumiko Hayashi of Yokohama attend.
 The plenary session was established based on the Local Autonomy Law as a place for consultation to coordinate paperwork, such as eliminating double administration in designated cities and prefectures.
 This time, the meeting will be held jointly with the meeting between Kawasaki City and Kanagawa Prefecture.
1 Date and time
  Monday, November 16, 2020 From 16:30 to 17:30
2 venues
  Kanagawa Prefectural Government Main Government Building 3F Convention Hall
3 Attendees
  Mayor Fumiko Hayashi, Mayor of Yokohama
  Mayor Norihiko Fukuda, Mayor of Kawasaki
  Yuji Kuroiwa Governor of Kanagawa Prefecture
4. Matters to be discussed
 "About big city administration"
 (1) Safety measures in the industrial complex area
 (2) Others
5 About coverage on the day
 (1) Meetings are available for coverage. Please come to the reception desk at the entrance of the venue.
 (2) Before the meeting (around 16:25), a group photo will be taken.
 (3) After the meeting (around 17:20), the venue will be surrounded by coverage (17:20-17:30).
6 Others
 The status of the plenary session will be broadcast live on the Internet site. The URL will be posted on the following site on the day. (external site)
 ※Video and audio may be interrupted depending on the communication environment.

Press release materials

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