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Business introduction

Last updated on November 15, 2024.


Icot for voting! Campaign

Overview of the Campaign

In Yokohama-shi, election committee of ward, city and bright election promotion meeting cooperate for voting participation promotion of election and "Ikot to vote!" Campaign will be held.
As we exhibit at booths of inhabitant of a ward festival, come by all means.

R6 Icot Campaign

Awareness-raising business related to politics and elections

Utilizing public relations media such as websites, we will send information on the theme of "politics and elections" to each generation.

Gathering to celebrate twenty-year-old citizens

We appeal to new adults about the importance of elections and participation in voting, such as calling out at the Astrovision inside and outside the venue for "Gathering to Celebrate 20-year-old citizens."
Photos in the gathering venue to celebrate Adults' Day
Photos of election enlightenment in the venue

Hata's Voting Book

We make election enlightenment booklet which introduces knowledge about election including method of voting and election system every year and distribute to all 20-year-old citizens having the right to vote in the city.

Click here for commentary on the "Alekole CHALLENGE Quiz of Election" of Hata's Voting Book P.1-2!

Q. I wanted to go to vote, but I lost the "voting guide". What should I do?

A. a
 If you have a "voting guide", you can accept it smoothly, but even if you lose it, you can vote if you can verify your identity from Address, name and date of birth. (I don't need identification documents.)
 If you have any questions or concerns, ask the Election Commission of your ward.

Q. The early vote has begun, but I haven't received anything like a newspaper yet. What should I do?

A. a or b
 The official name of a newspaper-like one is the "election bulletin." The Election Bulletin will be sent to all households by the Election Commission two days before the election date, so it may not have arrived yet on the day immediately after the early vote began. . However, you can also browse from the website of the Election Commission, so if you want to see it early, check the website.

Q. I haven't moved to resident certificate, so I can't vote even if there is an election in the area where I live now. However, it's troublesome to return to the hometown and don't have to go to the election?

A. a or b
 If you haven't moved to resident certificate, you can vote by using "absentee voting"! For how to do it, check pages 11 to 12 of Hata's voting book.
 If you have not moved to resident certificate, proceed as soon as possible (see page 15). Three months after moving resident certificate, you will be able to vote in the new Address area after moving.

Q. I have an errand on the voting day, so let's go to the early vote. Oh, but I can't make it because the part-time job is until 19:00?…。

A. a
 Early voting can be done at the ward office of your ward or at the temporary early polling place in the ward. Extraordinary early polling places in the ward have different times for each ward, but since the ward office accepts all wards until 8:00 pm, let's go to vote without giving up.

Q. In the future, I would like to become a prefectural governor and revolutionize the local community. How old can I run for you?

A. b
 The prefectural governor's right to vote is over 30 years old. Everybody can run for ten years later.

Sovereign education video

When I started to have the right to vote at the age of 18, I created a video in cooperation with the Board of Education to get high school students interested in politics and elections.

Creation and distribution of social studies supplementary teaching materials for junior high school students, "Three Years"

To all third-year junior high school students in Yokohama City, we distributed a social studies supplementary teaching material, "Three Years," which explains the importance of politics and elections in an easy-to-understand manner. In school education, we will educate junior high school students who will become future voters.

Use of websites and Twitter

We will call for clean elections and voting participation on our website and Twitter, and provide the latest information on elections. The contents of the website will be changed according to the timing.

Posting enlightenment posters at railway stations, etc.

Posters calling for beautiful elections and voting participation will be posted at railway stations. The contents will be changed according to the timing.
Photo of Enlightenment Panel

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Inquiries to this page

Investigation Division, Election Administration Commission Secretariat Election Department

Phone: 045-671-3337

Phone: 045-671-3337

Fax: 045-681-6479

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 437-492-792


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