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Senkyo Forum

Last updated on July 3, 2024.

The Senkyo Forum is a participatory learning project conducted by the Election Commission of each ward and the Bright Election Promotion Council as part of election enlightenment activities.
The purpose of the forum is to encourage participants to reconsider how politics and elections are involved in their daily lives through discussions on familiar living issues, etc., and to promote political participation. .
The form of the discussion business varies from ward to ward, but the contents of the business are devised in various ways, taking advantage of the regional characteristics of each ward, such as junior high school students, high school students, university students, etc. I am.
Depending on the business, there may be cases where the students of the school limit the number of participants, but there are also projects that are exciting when citizens participate widely, so please join the Senkyo Forum once by all means Please try.

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