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- Sounding-type market research (dialogue) for the management and operation of covered plazas, etc. in the lower part of the new city hall
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Sounding-type market research (dialogue) for the management and operation of covered plazas, etc. in the lower part of the new city hall
Last updated on January 29, 2021.
Sounding-type market research (dialogue)
A covered open space (atrium), citizen use function, waterside space, etc. will be set up for the purpose of creating the liveliness and vitality of the town in the low-rise part of the new city hall, and a place that is open to the citizens together with commercial functions I am planning to do it.
Therefore, through "dialogues" with private businesses, etc., the concept, system, and utilization method for management and operation of the covered plaza (atrium) and space around the new city hall including the waterside space We conducted a "Sounding-type market survey" to widely ask about free and feasible management image management ideas.
We will continue to study the concepts, systems, and methods of low-rise areas while referring to the survey results.
Prior briefing session (advance application required)
(1) Date and time: From 15:00 to 16:30 on Tuesday, October 18, 2016
(2) Location: 17th floor of Yokohama I Land Tower (6-50-1 Honmachi, Naka-ku, Yokohama)
(3) Application date: Until 17:00 on Friday, October 14, 2016
(4) Application: City of Yokohama, General Affairs Bureau Management Division New City Hall Maintenance Section (E-mail: [email protected])
(5) Handouts:
・Preliminary briefing session handouts (PDF: 7,861KB)
・Attachment 1 Question Sheet (word: 42KB) (← Only when there is a question)
※Participation in advance briefings is not a condition for participation in sounding-type market research (dialogue).
Conduct sounding-type market research (dialogue) (advance application required)
(1) Date and time: From Monday, November 7, 2016 to Friday, November 18 (about 1 hour to 1.5 hours)
※Excludes Saturday, November 12 and Sunday, November 13
(2) Location: 17th floor of Yokohama I Land Tower (6-50-1 Honmachi, Naka-ku, Yokohama)
(3) Target: Private businesses, etc. (assuming facility operators, event planning operators, etc.)
(4) How to apply: Attachment 2 Fill out the entry sheet with required items, attach it to the e-mail, and submit it to the application below within the period.
(5) Application period: From Tuesday, October 18, 2016 to 17:00 on Monday, October 31, 2016
(6) Application: City of Yokohama, General Affairs Bureau Administration Division New City Hall Maintenance Section (E-mail): [email protected])
・Press release document (PDF: 288KB)
・Implementation Guidelines (PDF: 3,643KB)
・Attachment 2 Entry Sheet (Word: 59KB)
※We will also talk about proposals based on only some items and contents. )
※For details on how to apply for sounding-type market research (dialogue), be sure to check the implementation guidelines.
Results of dialogue with citizens and businesses
About management administration of open space such as covered open space (atrium) to maintain for the purpose of creating liveliness and vitality of town in low-rise part of new city hall, "citizen participation type workshop" and "sounding type market survey" We have conducted and heard your ideas widely, and we will announce the results.
・Press release document (PDF: 307KB)
・Results of civic participation type workshop
・Sounding-type market research results (reposted) (PDF: 278KB)
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