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- Population and Households
- Long-term time series data (population and households)
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Long-term time series data (population and households)
Past statistics on the population, such as changes in the population since 1889, are posted as long-term time series data.
Last updated on January 22, 2025.
- Population and total number of households
- Men and women, age, and marital status
- Employment status
- Population by employment and school location
- Number of Households, Number of Households, and Status of Housing
- Foreigners
- Demographic, Population Migration
Population and total number of households
Men and women, age, and marital status
04 age (each age), population by gender-city (from 1920 and 1920) (Excel: 197KB)
05 age (5 year old class), population by gender-ward (from 1930, 1930) (Excel: 382KB)
Employment status
Population by employment and school location
Number of Households, Number of Households, and Status of Housing
Demographic, Population Migration
19 Population dynamics by gender-city, ward (from 1947, 1947) (Excel: 442KB)
20 Number of in-migration and out-migration by Address area (neighboring municipalities) - City, ward (from 1995 and 1995)
20-01 Yokohama City (Excel: 69KB)
20-02 Tsurumi Ward (Excel: 62KB)
20-03 Kanagawa Ward (Excel: 62KB)
20-04 Nishi Ward (Excel: 61KB)
20-06 Minami Ward (Excel: 62KB)
20-07 Konan Ward (Excel: 61KB)
20-08 Hodogaya Ward (Excel: 61KB)
20-09 Asahi Ward (Excel: 62KB)
20-10 Isogo Ward (Excel: 61KB)
20-11 Kanazawa Ward (Excel: 61KB)
20-12 Kohoku Ward (Excel: 63KB)
20-13 Midori Ward (Excel: 61KB)
20-15 Tsuzuki Ward (Excel: 62KB)
20-16 Totsuka Ward (Excel: 62KB)
20-17 Sakae Ward (Excel: 60KB)
20-18 Izumi Ward (Excel: 60KB)
21 Number of in-migration and out-migration by Address area (prefecture) - City (from 1959 and 1959)
21-01 Yokohama City (Excel: 74KB)
21-02 Tsurumi Ward (Excel: 41KB)
21-03 Kanagawa Ward (Excel: 40KB)
21-04 Nishi Ward (Excel: 40KB)
21-06 Minami Ward (Excel: 40KB)
21-07 Konan Ward (Excel: 40KB)
21-08 Hodogaya Ward (Excel: 40KB)
21-09 Asahi Ward (Excel: 40KB)
21-10 Isogo Ward (Excel: 40KB)
21-11 Kanazawa Ward (Excel: 40KB)
21-12 Kohoku Ward (Excel: 41KB)
21-13 Midori Ward (Excel: 40KB)
21-15 Tsuzuki Ward (Excel: 40KB)
21-16 Totsuka Ward (Excel: 40KB)
21-17 Sakae Ward (Excel: 39KB)
21-18 Izumi Ward (Excel: 39KB)
About the use of open data
The open data posted on this page is provided under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
For details, please refer to the link below.
https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/legalcode.ja (external site)
Inquiries to this page
Statistics and Information Division, Policy Administration Bureau General Affairs Department
Phone: 045-671-4201
Phone: 045-671-4201
Fax: 045-663-0130
E-Mail address [email protected]
Page ID: 563-853-041