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- Former Kirigaoka Daiichi Elementary School [Midori Ward]
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Former Kirigaoka Daiichi Elementary School [Midori Ward]
Last updated on February 19, 2025.
Former Kirigaoka Daiichi Elementary School (6-13 Kirigaoka, Midori-ku) was closed in April 2006. .
Announcement (Updated August 3, 2018)
In former Kirigaoka Daiichi Elementary School ruins utilization company open call for participants (application acceptance closed on June 20, 2018), examination of business planner selection committee (hereinafter referred to as "committee") such as Yokohama-shi holding asset open call for sale After that, the prospective business was decided.
◎ Report of Committee (PDF: 211KB)
[Reference] Former Kirigaoka Daiichi Elementary School site utilization company open call for participants
In Yokohama City, as part of the effective utilization of its assets, we will conduct an open call for operators using the fixed price proposal method (*) on the site of the former Kirigaoka Daiichi Elementary School located in Midori Ward.
※ The price fixed proposal method is a public offering method in which the price is fixed and the prospective business is determined by examining the contents of the business proposal.
■ Outline of publicly offered properties
Location: 6-13, Kirigaoka, Midori-ku, Yokohama-shi
Land area: 13,121 square meters (public account book)
Restricted areas, etc.: Type 1 Low-rise Residential Area (building ratio: 40% / floor area ratio: 80%) Class 1 Advanced Area
School building: 4-story reinforced concrete 5,009.79 square meters
Affiliated buildings: 6 gymnasiums, storerooms, etc. Total 678.41 square meters
<Location map and guide map of open call for participants property (PDF: 622KB)>
■ Offer price
Loan fees: (Monthly) ¥1,049,680
Deposit: 12,596,160 yen (for 12 months of loan fee)
Sale price: 47,664,180 yen (including consumption tax and local consumption tax equivalent of 3,530,680 yen)
■ Main Business Proposals
Long-term utilization of the entire site by educational institutions utilizing existing school buildings
<Land> 30-year fixed-term leased land
<Building> Sale
(2)Initiatives for Community Contribution
Initiatives that contribute to local activities, regional disaster prevention, etc.
・Educational institutions are, in principle, schools that can be built in the first-class low-rise residential area according to the text of Article 48, Paragraph 1 of the Building Standards Law.
In addition, it is possible to propose universities, technical colleges, vocational schools, and various schools that require permission to proviso the same paragraph, but from the viewpoint of feasibility of the project, etc. Evaluate in.
■ About application
Application Guidelines Distribution Period: From Tuesday, March 20, 2018 to Wednesday, June 20, 2018
Application period: From Thursday, June 14, 2018 to Wednesday, June 20, 2018
Review: July, 2018
Project planner decision: August, 2018
Provisional contract: August, 2018
This contract, delivery of buildings: Until April 1, 2019
※ Schedules are subject to change due to circumstances.
※We do not disclose the application guidelines on the website.
Results of dialogue
<Implementation Period>
From Thursday, July 7, 2016 to Monday, July 11
<Participation Status>
5 Businesses (all industries are education-related businesses)
<Results of implementation: Summary>
・Several educational-related businesses have proposed "long-term utilization by educational institutions using existing school buildings", which was shown as a basic concept of utilizing the former site, and the existing school buildings are listed in Article 1 of the School Education Law. It was confirmed that it could be used as schools, various schools and other educational institutions.
・Regarding "implementation of community contribution by utilization companies", various proposals were received, such as local use and opening of school buildings and grounds, involvement in regional disaster prevention, holding various courses, etc. It was confirmed that it would lead to contribution.
・For future utilization, we encouraged each company to further consider proposals that would contribute to the community while demonstrating the uniqueness of the company.
<Direction of Utilization>
・Except for uses that are approved for construction in the first-class low-rise residential area, it is necessary to fully understand the procedures and requirements such as the permission of Article 48 of the Building Standards Law, as it is necessary to fully understand the procedures and requirements of the permission, etc. Since the possibility of long-term utilization of land and buildings by the company has been confirmed, we will consider a wide range of utilization by open call for participants.
・In the business proposal of the company, we were able to confirm that a certain period of time was required to formulate the plan, so we will fully consider the open recruitment schedule etc. .
・In addition, based on the status of community development activities in the surrounding area so far, the area is expected to be used as a place for various initiatives that will lead to the revitalization of local communities. .
In order to contribute to such local activities by utilizing the area, we will fully share information with the relevant ward bureaus, including the possibility of positioning it in the conditions for public offering.
<Future response>
As a future response, we will steadily promote initiatives for public offerings in cooperation with related ward bureaus.
As for the details, please see "old Kirigaoka Daiichi Elementary School ruins sounding type market research conduct result (summary)" (PDF: 159KB).
The dialogue (advance application system) has been completed.
<Date and time>
From Tuesday, June 28, 2016 to Tuesday, July 12
About 30 minutes to 1 hour
Yokohama City Hall Main Building or surrounding meeting rooms
<Target persons>
A group of corporations or corporations that intend to become the implementing entity of the project
<Main contents of dialogue>
・Management of educational institutions
・Contribution to the Community
・Business method
<How to apply>
Please fill in the “Entry Sheet” with required items, attach it to the e-mail, and submit it to the application below within the period.
The subject should be [Application for Dialogue Participation].
Finance Bureau Asset Management Division, Yokohama City
E-mail : [email protected]
<Application period>
From Thursday, June 16, 2016 to 5:00 pm on Monday, July 11
・Former Kirigaoka Daiichi Elementary School Site Sounding Type Market Survey Implementation Guidelines (PDF: 893KB)
・Former Kirigaoka Daiichi Elementary School Site Sounding Type Market Research Entry Sheet (word: 41KB)
Briefing session (advance application system) has ended
A briefing session will be held on the outline of the target site and how to conduct dialogue. If you would like to participate, please contact the above application by e-mail by the deadline.
The subject should be [Application for Participation in Briefing Session]. Please also inform us of the number of participants.
<Date and time>
From 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm on Thursday, June 16, 2016
1-1 Minatomachi, Naka-ku, Yokohama Yokohama City Hall Main Government Building 5F
<Application date>
Until 5:00 pm on Wednesday, June 15, 2016
※ Even if you do not participate in the briefing session, you can apply for the dialogue.
※ Explanatory materials for the day (PDF: 2,053KB)
Overview of Target Areas, etc.
(1) Land Information
Location and transportation
・6-13, Kirigaoka, Midori-ku, Yokohama-shi
・About 8 minutes by bus from Tokaichiba Station on the JR Yokohama Line Get off at Kirigaoka Park-mae, about 4 minutes on foot.
Land and land area
・School site 13,121 square meters
Restrictions by Urban Planning
・Restricted areas: Type 1 Low-rise Residential Area
・Building coverage/floor area ratio: 40%/80%
・Altitude Area: Class 1 altitude district (maximum limit)
・Scenic Area: Class 4 Scenic Area
Current status, etc.
・School buildings, gymnasiums, etc. exist
(2) Building Information
<School Building>
・Structure: Reinforced concrete 4 stories (partial 3 stories, 1 stories)
・Floor area: 5,009.79 square meters
・Building height: 16.24m (with special permission for height)
・Shunko: FY1979 (Seismic reinforcement work implemented in FY2002)
・Structure: 2-story steel structure
・Floor area: 563.46 square meters
・Shunko: FY1979 (Implemented seismic reinforcement work in FY1996)
※ Regarding the utilization of the site of the former Kirigaoka Daiichi Elementary School, Midori Ward conducted an interview with local residents based on the ward's idea that it is desirable to first use an educational institution as a candidate.
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Phone: 045-671-2273
Phone: 045-671-2273
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Page ID: 192-304-173