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Fiscal 2022 Yokohama City Budget 2022

Last updated on June 17, 2022.

Yokohama's finances at a glance (for the general public and for children)

"Yokohama's finances that can be understood at a glance" is a public relations content that makes it easy to understand the budget and financial situation of Yokohama City.
※We can read in citizen information center, each ward public information consultation counter.
※We have also created Braille and Daisy versions. We read and rent at citizen information center, each ward public information consultation counter, Yokohama City Chuo-toshokan.
※Please note that we do not distribute or sell on paper media.

Fiscal 2022 at a glance(PDF:14,088KB)
At a glance, Yokohama's General Finance

For financial children in Yokohama that can be seen at a glance in FY2022(PDF:18,396KB)
For financial children in Yokohama that can be seen at a glance

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Related links

Financial Visualization Dashboard

In addition to the initiatives listed in "Yokohama's finances that can be understood at a glance", Yokohama City conducts many businesses. Even if you do not know the business name, you can search for related businesses by keywords such as "child care", "education", "disaster prevention" and "town development". For each business, an overview, budget amount, related data, etc. are posted.

This is the material when the budget was announced. This section introduces the concept of budgeting and major businesses.

This page contains four financial statements, including the balance sheet.

Every year in June and December, we announce the semi-annual financial situation.

Characters explain "financial gimon", "use of money", "municipal bond (debt)" in an easy-to-understand manner in Q & A format.

We issue a newsletter to consider the "future" of public buildings from various perspectives.

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Inquiries to this page

Finance Division, Finance Bureau Finance Department

Phone: 045-671-2231

Phone: 045-671-2231

Fax: 045-664-7185

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 441-079-989


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