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  2. Municipal Government Information
  3. Finance and Accounting
  4. Financial status (budget and settlement of accounts)
  5. Building a new financial accounting system
  6. Invite opinions on the construction and provision of Yokohama City Financial Accounting System (accounted receivables)

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Invite opinions on the construction and provision of Yokohama City Financial Accounting System (accounted receivables)

Last updated on August 27, 2021.

 Regarding the new financial accounting system that Motoichi is examining for construction, we have created a business explanation document for the receivable management part that is part of it, so prior to the public announcement of the tender of procurement, We will conduct an opinion invitation for the purpose of receiving opinions on business explanatory materials.
 For details, please refer to the guidelines.
 The relevant materials will be presented to those who have submitted the statement of participation and the pledge of confidentiality.
 Thank you very much for your cooperation.

1.Implementation period: From Wednesday, August 11, 2021 to Monday, August 23, 2021

2.Participation statement period: From Wednesday, August 11, 2021 to Tuesday, August 17, 2021 to 5:00 pm
 ※If you wish to participate after the deadline, please contact the person in charge.
 ※After sending the e-mail, please contact the city to confirm your arrival.

Please send an e-mail with a statement of participation in the invitation and a written pledge of confidentiality.
 Email destination: Finance Division, Finance Bureau Finance Department, Yokohama City
 E-Mail address [email protected]
 Opinion invitation statement and confidentiality pledge (word: 24KB)
 Title [Yokohama City New Financial Opinion Invitation] Participation statement (Participant name)
 Text Participate in the invitation of opinions on the construction and provision of Yokohama City Financial Accounting System (accounted receivables).
     (Sending materials Address: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX)
 Attached file: Statement of Opinion Participation and Confidential Pledge

3.Deadline for submitting opinions, etc.: Monday, August 23, 2021
  ※After sending the e-mail, please contact the city to confirm your arrival.

4.Implementation Guidelines: Implementation Guidelines (PDF: 311KB)

5.Department in charge: Finance Division, Finance Bureau Finance Department

6.Answer to the Statement of Opinion (announced on August 27, 2021)
Answer (PDF: 236KB)

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Inquiries to this page

Finance Division, Finance Bureau Finance Department

Phone: 045-671-2237

Phone: 045-671-2237

Fax: 045-664-7185

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 954-299-724


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