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One-stop financial information (annual report)

Last updated on September 30, 2024.

One-stop financial information (annual report)

One-stop financial information (annual report)

Person who wants to know finance of Yokohama-shi, please see this too!

What is an annual report?

If you look at this, you can see the finances of Yokohama City roughly!

Illustration of money

An annual report by local governments is a compilation of financial information such as not only the financial situation but also the general situation of the organization, management policy, business situation, statistics, etc. Including citizens, it was created to convey as clearly as possible for a wide range of users of financial information in Yokohama City. Please see by all means and have you understand the present situation of finance of Motoichi, and, if you have any notices, please contact the following reference (established in March, 2023).


  • Integration and aggregation of information previously published on separate web pages [one-stop]
  • Create a summary slide that clearly specifies points for budget, settlement of accounts, etc. [Point explanation]
  • Enhance links to detailed information and glossary(*) ※Underlined blue
  • In principle, renewal twice a year (September and March)

1 Overview of Yokohama City

Overview of Yokohama City


Yokohama City is a government-designated city with a population of 3.77 million (as of January 2024), and is the largest basic local government in Japan in terms of population size.
Located in the eastern part of Kanagawa Prefecture, the center is within about 30 km from central Tokyo, with a total area of 438 square kilometers (as of October 2023), accounting for about 70% of Tokyo's 23 wards.

Link to the details

About the details such as population, the number of the households, please see Yokohama-shi open data portal (outside site).

2 Budget

How to determine the budget

How to determine the budget for Yokohama City

Overview of Budget

Yokohama City Budget (FY2024)

The budget scale of the general account for FY2024 was 1,915.6 billion yen (down 0.7% from the previous year).
All accounts, including special accounts and public enterprise accounts, amounted to ¥ 3,834.5 billion (0.9% year-on-year).

Link to the details

  • For details on the initial budget and supplementary budget, please see the 2024 budget.

3 Financial Results

General account settlement of Yokohama City

General Accounts

In fiscal 2023, the general account settlement amounted to 1,956.8 billion yen in revenue settlement amount, 1,935.9 billion yen in expenditure settlement amount, and the real balance obtained by subtracting expenditure settlement amount from revenue settlement amount was 7.4 billion yen. .
City tax revenue was ¥ 886.3 billion (up ¥ 19.0 billion (+ 2.2%) from the previous year), an increase in sales for the second consecutive year and a record high. The city tax storage rate is a record high of 99.4%.

Special accounts, public enterprise accounts

About the details of special accounts, public enterprise accounts, please see Yokohama-shi statistics book Chapter 19 finance.

General Accounts

In fiscal 2023, the ordinary account settlement amounted to 1,985.4 billion yen in revenue settlement amount, 1,957.9 billion yen in expenditure settlement amount, and the real balance obtained by subtracting expenditure settlement amount from revenue settlement amount was 11.7 billion yen. .

4 Previous Financial Conditions

Yokohama City Up to now Financial Status

Changes in Expenditure Budgets by Characteristics

Expenditure budgets are increasing year by year.
Social security expenses have increased significantly due to the aging of society, and other factors, public debt and facility maintenance costs have also remained at high levels.

Changes in city tax revenue

City tax revenue, which accounts for a major part of revenue, has not increased enough to compensate for expenditure growth due to a slowdown in population growth.
Budgeting for each fiscal year is a critical situation where temporary financial resources have to be relied on. .

Changes in the balance of borrowings corresponding to the general account

The borrowing balance corresponding to the general account, including special accounts, public enterprise accounts, and affiliated organizations, has been reduced and suppressed by planned issuance of municipal bonds. .
For the fiscal year ended March 31, 2023, 2023, decreased by ¥75.6 billion from the previous year to ¥3,038.6 billion.

conservation renewal costs for public facilities

conservation renewal costs for public facilities are expenses related to inspections, repairs, renovations, and renewals (excluding rebuilding) required to maintain facility functions.

5. Approach to Financial Management

Policy on Financial Management of Yokohama City

Policy on Financial Management of Yokohama City

Yokohama City Ordinance on Promotion of Responsible Financial Management for the Future (Financial Responsibility Ordinance)

Financial Responsibility Ordinance

The Financial Responsibility Ordinance stipulates the basic principles for financial management of the city and the responsibilities of the mayor, council, and citizens, as well as matters necessary for financial management for the purpose of promoting responsible financial management in the future. In this way, we will strive to balance the promotion of necessary measures and the maintenance of financial soundness.

Financial Vision for the Sustainable Development of Yokohama City (Financial Vision)

Financial Vision 1Financial Vision 2Financial Vision 3

The fiscal vision is the medium- to long-term financial policy of Yokohama City.
Even at a major turning point in the era of population decline and the progress of a super-aging society, which will be in full swing in the future, it has become a universal guide for Yokohama City to develop sustainably for the future. I am.

Yokohama Medium-Term Plan 2022-2025 (Financial Management)

Medium-Term Plan 2022-2025

In the fiscal management section of the Yokohama City Medium-Term Plan 2022-2025, the balance between "promotion of measures and maintenance of financial soundness" is stated based on the financial vision.
We will set financial goals and steadily promote initiatives for those goals.

Positioning of financial vision in municipal administration of Yokohama City

Positioning of financial vision in municipal administration of Yokohama City

The Fiscal Vision aims to realize the purpose of the Fiscal Responsible Financial Management Ordinance (Article 1) in order to realize the purpose of the Fiscal Responsible Financial Management Ordinance, especially the Basic Principles of Financial Management (Article 2) It has been formulated as a medium- to long-term financial policy to materialize and make it effective.
The Financial Vision shows the “sustainable finances to be pursued” based on the purpose of the Financial Responsibility Ordinance, and also establishes the “Basic Policy on Financial Management” for its realization. In addition, based on our basic policy, we have established actions for the future to respond to specific issues.
Based on the contents of these financial visions, we set "financial targets" and "approach" for each planning period in each basic plan, and perform financial management and budgeting for each fiscal year along with this. In this way, in promoting long-term fiscal management, we will steadily ensure fiscal sustainability by turning the process of setting goals → executing → looking back → improving over the medium term.

[Reference] Efforts for Fiscal Management

We have summarized the changes in financial management initiatives, such as goals (indexes) and results for each planning period so far.

6 Forecast of Financial Condition

Fiscal outlook for the “Yokohama Medium-Term Plan 2022-2025” period (about the last four years)

Based on the 2024 budget plan organized based on the financial vision, etc., the financial outlook calculated based on the current tax and financial system is as follows.

Long-term fiscal projections (until 2065)

We publish long-term financial estimates up to 2065 to serve as a basis for considering long-term financial trends and considering directions for promoting sustainable financial management.

Outlook for various indicators (until 2040)

In the financial vision, we monitor the sustainability evaluation index every medium-term plan period along with the "viewpoint of evaluation", comprehensively evaluate the sustainability of the city's finances, and based on the evaluation, medium-term We decide on a medium-term financial management policy and practice it.
The status of various indicators in the financial vision based on the "Yokohama City Medium-Term Plan 2022-2025" is as follows.

7 Financial Statements

In response to stock information and cost information, which are pointed out to be insufficient in government accounting, Yokohama City provides financial information through financial statements using corporate accounting methods.

Statements of Administrative Costs by Business

Yokohama City prepares financial statements based on unified standards and prepares administrative cost statements by business. We have you deepen understanding of municipal administration of citizen's all of you and raise cost awareness of the staff and utilize limited financial resources more efficiently and effectively. In addition, by confirming it together with the business evaluation report, we will lead to verification and improvement of each business.

Financial Statements-related indicators (compared to financial statements and other cities)

Assets per Resident

The amount of assets per inhabitant is the total amount of assets divided by the Basic Resident Register population. By making it per person, it is possible to objectively compare similar organizations.
By comparing over time, if it increases, it can be evaluated that an asset has been formed. On the other hand, in the case of a decrease, it is important to analyze the factors, such as analyzing whether the result of efforts to reduce assets due to population decline or the amount of money due to aging, and evaluating assets compression.

Revenue to asset ratio

Revenue to asset ratio is the total amount of assets divided by total revenue (including the balance of funds at the end of the previous fiscal year).
An index that indicates how many years the assets formed so far are equivalent to the revenue of the year.

Depreciation rate of property, plant and equipment

Depreciation rate of property, plant and equipment is calculated by dividing accumulated depreciation by acquisition cost.
It is an indicator of the aging of assets of local governments.

Net assets ratio

Net assets ratio is calculated by dividing net assets by total assets.
It is an index that shows how much future generations have created available assets due to the burden of past and current generations. The higher this ratio, the greater the assets available to future generations.

8 Comparison with other cities

Various Indicators

Real debt service ratio

The real debt service ratio shows the size of the repayment of borrowings by local governments as a ratio to the financial scale of the local government.
It is an index that indicates the degree of financial burden and the degree of cash flow.

Future burden ratio

The future burden ratio shows the size of debt currently held, such as borrowings from local governments, as a ratio to the financial scale of the local government.
This is an indicator of the degree of possibility of squeezing finances in the future.

Financial Strength Index

The Financial Strength Index represents the financial strength of local governments.
The higher the figures, the stronger the financial strength is the organization, and it can be said that there is room for financial resources.

Current account balance ratio

The current account balance ratio shows how much ordinary general revenues (local taxes, local allocation taxes, etc.) are allocated to ordinary expenses (personnel expenses, assistance expenses, public loan expenses, etc.).
This is an indicator of the elasticity of the fiscal structure.

Laspeyres Index

The Laspeyres Index shows the salary level of local government administrative general employees when the salary of government officials is set to 100.
If the Laspeyres index exceeds 100, local government employees will be higher than the salary level of national government employees.

Major Financial Data

Social security expenses

Social security expenses cover medical, welfare, nursing care, children and child care, and social security.
With the rapid aging of society, social security expenses are the most commonly used expenditure.

Investment expenses and liabilities

Investment expenses are expenses allocated to the development of social capital, such as the construction of roads and bridges, parks, schools, and public housing.

City tax

The tax revenue scale of Yokohama City has been the largest in government-designated cities since 2000, reflecting the large population size and the continuing increase in population.
About half of the city's tax revenue is due to personal municipal tax. Because the ratio of corporate municipal tax is small, it is less susceptible to economic fluctuations, but since personal citizen tax revenues are greatly affected by changes in the population, a decrease in population is expected due to future population decline.


A fund is money held separately from other property for a specific purpose.
The Fiscal Adjustment Fund is a fund for adjusting the imbalance of financial resources in local governments during the fiscal year, and if it is a debt reduction fund, it is provided for the purpose of accumulating funds for systematically redemption of local bonds. It is a fund.

9 Yokohama City's Unique Indicators

Really rigid expense ratio

The real rigid expense ratio is “personnel expenses”, “public debt expenses”, and “social security expenses” as “ rigid expenses”, and the amount allocated to general revenues is used as ordinary general revenues (city tax, prefectural tax grants, broad sense) It is expressed as a ratio to local allocation tax), and is a unique index of Yokohama City.
Even if social security expenses are expected to increase in the future, it is necessary for local governments to control the rigidity of the fiscal structure and have a financial structure that responds flexibly and flexibly to natural disasters and changes in socio-economic conditions. Is required. This flexibility of the fiscal structure was set as an indicator for quantitative evaluation of fiscal sustainability.

Changes in the balance of borrowings corresponding to the general account (reposted)

The borrowing balance corresponding to the general account, including special accounts, public enterprise accounts, and affiliated organizations, has been reduced and suppressed by planned issuance of municipal bonds. .
For the fiscal year ended March 31, 2023, 2023, decreased by ¥75.6 billion from the previous year to ¥3,038.6 billion.

10 Summary

In recent years, in the budget formulation, the shortage of income and expenditures has been maintained due to the temporary use of the Debt Reduction Fund, etc. The financial situation of Motoichi is in a critical state that lacks sustainability because it expands further.
Even in such a severe outlook, it is necessary to continue to provide stable administrative services, protect citizens' lives, and connect Yokohama's rich future to children and future citizens. Therefore, in June 2022, we formulated the "Financial Vision for Sustainable Development of Yokohama City", a medium- to long-term financial policy, and are working toward sustainable finance.

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