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management fee amendment (civil engineering)heat stroke

In consideration of recent climate conditions such as hot summer days, we have decided to revise the rate of management fee on site for expenses related to heat stroke measures at construction sites, and will try starting on April 1, 2019 or later.

Last updated on May 24, 2023.

Work subject to trial

In this trial, if any of the following applies, it will be a trial target construction.
However, construction designed in accordance with the Yokohama City Civil Engineering Standard Estimation Standards are eligible.

Scope of application

This applies to construction work whose contract date is after April 1, 2019, and the contractor wishes to compensate for expenses.

Subject works

  • The main type of work is outdoor work. However, for construction including factory production work, the period shall be excluded from the target period.
  • In telecommunications equipment construction, etc., the main type of construction is outdoor work and manufacturing, but even if the main type of construction is indoor work, there is no air conditioning equipment and the indoor environment is recognized as equivalent to outdoor It can be targeted.
  • Provided, however, that the factory production period for equipment, etc. and the period for construction including factory production and construction shall be excluded from the target period.

Trial outline of the management fee correction work that contributes to heat stroke countermeasures (civil engineering work)

Outline of the trial of the management fee amendment on site that contributes to the heat stroke in Yokohama City (civil engineering work) July 1, 2020 (discontinued in May 2023)

The outline of the trial, which was added on July 1, 2020, will be abolished due to the abolition of "Toward the Prevention of heat stroke with COVID-19 Measures" (Notice of Office of Construction System Management Planning, Technical Research Division, Minister's Secretariat dated July 1, 2020). In the future, when performing on-site work, a day when the maximum temperature is 30 degrees (°C) or more or the heat index (WBGT) is 25 degrees (°C) or more will be treated as midsummer days.


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