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Donation method/donation deduction
Last updated on January 30, 2024.
Donation method and tax deduction
How to donate
Donations to be applied can be paid by payment slip or credit card.
In order to receive tax deductions, you must file a final tax return at the tax office or submit a one-stop special application.
※For the final tax return, you will need the "receipt" or "donation receipt certificate" received at the time of donation, so please keep it in a safe place.
Tax deductions
※The donation amount subject to income tax deduction is limited to 40% of the total income amount.
※The income tax rate varies between 0 and 45% depending on the annual income.
※The maximum donation amount subject to resident tax deduction (basic amount) is 30% of the total income amount.
Regarding donations to Yokohama City, the remaining amount obtained by subtracting 2,000 yen from the donation amount can be deducted together with the income tax, up to approximately 20% of the personal residence tax income percent. I can do it. Specifically, please see "about tax deduction" (outside site) (Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications homepage).
In addition, the maximum deduction amount can be estimated by tax simulation, so please use it.
※If you only receive the donation tax credit for personal residence tax, please file a residence tax with your municipality.
About one-stop special system
For donations after April 1, 2015, the donor submits a “Special application for declaration of donation tax credit” (hereinafter referred to as “application”) to the local government of the donor. This is a system that allows you to receive tax deductions without filing a final tax return.
Those who are eligible for the one-stop exception system are those who meet the following requirements. If you meet the requirements and wish to apply, please submit the application to the donation destination.
Those who do not need to file a final income tax return or resident tax, such as those with only salary income
Limited to those who do not need to file a final tax return or resident tax return, such as salary earners who make year-end adjustments at their workplace or those who earn only pension, in addition to the declaration of donation deductions associated with hometown tax payment. I am.
Even salary earners are subject to medical expenses deductions, etc., and those who need to file a final tax return or self-employed persons who have to file a final tax return are not eligible.
Those who donate less than 5 donation organizations per year
It is limited to those who are expected to have less than 5 local governments, including Yokohama City, in the year of donation.
Even if you have already submitted a special application, if you donate to more than 6 local governments in the same year and intend to receive donation deductions, final tax return for all donations in principle Please file a tax return or resident tax return.
◆If you file a final tax return or resident tax return after submitting the application form, it will be treated as if there was no one-stop exception application (invalid). Therefore, even if you have already submitted the application form, if you need to file a final tax return or resident tax return, such as adding deductions such as medical expenses deduction, be sure to declare the donation deduction of the donation. please.
◆If there is any change in the Address, etc. after submitting the special application, please submit "registration form to change the special application for declaration of donation tax credit" by January 10, the year following the donation. .
Online application
Log in to "Local Government My Page" and use the online one-stop special application screen.
By reading My Number Card, entering and registering required items, you can complete your application on the web.
※Please confirm the "donation number" required for account registration by e-mail at the time of donation.
Local government my page (outside site)
Application on paper
Please submit the one-stop special application form and attached documents (personal number confirmation document + identity verification document) to the address below.
<One-stop special application destination>
〒221-0052 19th floor of Yokohama Creation Square 5, Sakaemachi, Kanagawa-ku, Yokohama-shi
JTB Furusato Development Division Yokohama Sales Office
※ Please submit it by mail.
※ You can download the one-stop special application form here.
Special application for declaration of donation amount tax credit (PDF: 73KB)
Donation amount Change of special application form for tax credit registration form (PDF: 51KB)
Inquiries, etc.
Inquiries about tax deductions
For resident tax deductions, go to the Tax Division of the municipality where you live (in the case of Yokohama, each ward office).
For income tax deductions, please contact your local tax office.
Inquiries about donation method, donation receipt certificate, one-stop application, etc.
TEL: 050-3146-6615 (JTB oldness and tax payment call center)
Business hours Weekdays 9: 00-17: 15 Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays from 10:00 to 17:00 All year round (excluding 1/1 to 1/3)
Inquiry form by email: “Inquiry”
Sending one-stop application documents
19th floor of Yokohama Creation Square, 5, Sakaemachi, Kanagawa-ku, Yokohama
JTB Furusato Development Division Yokohama Sales Office
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Inquiries to this page
Policy Administration Bureau Management Strategy Department Financial Resources Promotion Division
Phone: 045-671-4809
Phone: 045-671-4809
Fax: 045-663-4613
E-Mail address [email protected]
Page ID: 994-739-844