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Donation to Yokohama City "Hometown Tax Payment"

Last updated on November 1, 2024.

Support Yokohama with hometown tax payment

Yokohama Supporters Donation

"Hometown tax payment" is a system that can help local governments that want to support in the form of donations. .
In Yokohama City, we are widely calling for a desire to support Yokohama.
Why don't you create the future of Yokohama together with your thoughts on Yokohama?


About donation acceptance of 2024 (Reiwa 6)

For those who are considering donating to Yokohama City on the portal site

About contribution of 2024, please complete payment of donation by 23:59 on Tuesday, December 31, 2024.

・Even if the donation "application" has been completed by the above date, if the donation "settlement" has not been completed, such as when a convenience store payment is selected, each procedure will not be eligible. Please be aware of the last business day of the financial institution you are using.
・At the end of the year, system congestion on the portal site is expected, and it may take some time to complete the payment.
Please complete the payment as soon as possible with plenty of time.

For those who are considering donating to Yokohama City by payment form payment (payment at financial institutions)

About donation of 2024, please submit donation application by Yokohama City Hall arrival on Tuesday, December 10, 2024.
After that, please use the payment form mailed from Yokohama City Hall to complete the payment by Monday, December 30, 2024.

・If a donation application arrives in Yokohama City Hall after Wednesday, December 11, 2024, a payment slip will be mailed after Monday, January 6, 2025. It will not be donated in 2024.
・Please submit the donation application by mail, fax, or e-mail.
Please be aware of the last business day of the financial institution you are using.

For those who wish to apply for one-stop special

If you wish to apply for a one-stop special application, please arrive by Friday, January 10, 2025, and please apply in one of the following ways.

◆Application on paper◆
Please submit the one-stop special application form and attached documents (personal number confirmation document + identity verification document) to the address below.
※ Please submit it by mail. Please be careful about the delivery date.
※ You can download the one-stop special application form here.
  Special application for declaration of donation amount tax credit (PDF: 168KB)
  Declaration exception application (entry example) pertaining to donation amount tax credit (PDF: 237KB)
  Donation amount Change of special application form for tax credit registration form (PDF: 55KB)

<Sending of one-stop application documents>
〒221-0052 19th floor of Yokohama Creation Square 5, Sakaemachi, Kanagawa-ku, Yokohama-shi
JTB Furusato Development Division Yokohama Sales Office

◆One-stop special application online◆
Log in to "Local Government My Page" and use the online one-stop special application screen.
By reading My Number Card, entering and registering required items, you can complete your application on the web.
※Please confirm the "donation number" required for account registration by e-mail at the time of donation.

Handy functions such as the following are available on "Local Government My Page".
・Confirmation of donation status
One-stop special application online (* My number card is required)
・Download one-stop special application form when applying on paper
Request for reissue of donation receipt certificate

About 2024 Yokohama-shi oldness and tax payment return goods open call for participants

Application for donation

Return goods


Utilization of donations

I want to support gender equality!

Yokohama City has been focusing on various initiatives with the aim of empowering women in all fields. However, looking at the current situation, there are many women who leave their jobs after marriage, pregnancy, or childbirth, and there are still many challenges. Donations from everyone will be used to create a work environment where everyone can work together and to support women's advancement.
[Responsible] Policy Administration Bureau Gender Equality Promotion Division
 Phone: 045-671-2017
 Fax: 045-663-3431
 E-mail: [email protected]

I want to cooperate with children's poverty countermeasures!

Aiming at "Yokohama", a town where children and young people who create the future of Yokohama can demonstrate their strengths and potential, cultivate a rich and happy way of life, and create a warm society together. I am. Donations will be used to create a place for children in the community. Regardless of the economic situation at home, we ask for your warm support in order to guarantee educational and childcare opportunities and necessary academic skills, and to create an environment where you can acquire the ability to survive robustly.
[Responsible] Child and Youth Bureau General Affairs Division
 Phone: 045-671-4266
 Fax: 045-663-8061
 E-mail: [email protected]

We want to cooperate with the improvement of welfare for the elderly and the disabled!

With the rapid aging of the population, the need for welfare is increasing with the increase in the number of elderly and disabled people who need assistance. Donations from all of you will be used for projects related to the welfare of the elderly and the disabled. We look forward to your warm support for a society where the elderly and the disabled can live with peace of mind, and a society where they can play an active role.
[Responsible] Health and Social Welfare Bureau Planning Division
 Phone: 045-671-3662
 Fax: 045-664-4739
 E-mail: [email protected]

We want to cooperate with the improvement of community medicine and disaster medical care!

In our daily lives, we do not know when we get sick or get involved in disasters such as earthquakes. "Medical care" that protects life at that time will lead to the utmost peace of mind. In Yokohama City, we are working to enhance the local medical system, such as hospitals and home medical care, and to create a system to provide stable medical care in the event of a disaster. In addition, with the aim of creating a society where people and animals can live comfortably together and lead to the peace of mind of pets, we are also working on disaster countermeasures, enhancement of the environment for contained animals, and promotion of transfer. Thank you very much for your continued support.
[Responsible] Medical Care Bureau General Affairs Division
 Phone: 045-671-4870
 Fax: 045-664-3851
 E-mail: [email protected]

I want to support the zoo!

To promote the international contribution of biodiversity to the conservation and the enhancement of zoos, the Yokohama City Zoo Fund will introduce animals from overseas based on donations from everyone, and promote the conservation and breeding of endangered wildlife at the zoo!
[Return goods limited to those used]
One "zoo annual passport" (donation of 11,000 yen or more)
[Responsible] Green Environment Bureau Zoo Division
 Phone: 045-671-4124
 Fax: 045-550-4650
 E-mail: [email protected]

I want to set up Hamasapobench in my favorite place!

In order to have you work on health promotion while enjoying walking, we are promoting "healthy town development" to improve the walking environment such as information boards, distance signs, benches, pavements, and planting. With a donation of 300,000 yen or 350,000 yen, we will set up a Hamasapovench with a plate engraved with your favorite message at your favorite place on the route to maintain "Healthy Michizukuri". Why don't you leave your thoughts on Yokohama no Michi? (If you wish to set up a bench, etc., please consult with the person in charge before applying.)
[Responsible] Road and Highway Bureau Road Policy Promotion Section
 Phone: 045-671-4086
 Fax: 045-651-6527
 E-mail: [email protected]

I want to support Yokohama Port!

The appeal of Minato is indispensable to Yokohama, which has developed around the port since its opening of the port. Yokohama Port has historically important assets such as Akarengasoko and Sail Training Ship, Nippon Maru, as well as plazas where you can relax and see the sea, such as Zounohana Park and Rinko Park (Seaside Park). Your donation will be used to preserve and utilize the citizen use facilities at Yokohama Port, create even more liveliness and vitality for everyone, and make it a port where people can gather and relax. Would you like to make Yokohama Port shine together?
[Return goods limited to those used]
2 "Yokohama Minato Museum Invitation Tickets" (donations of 10,000 yen or more)

[Responsible] Port and Harbor Bureau Lively Promotion Section
 Phone: 045-671-2888
 Fax: 045-651-7996
 E-mail: [email protected]

I want to support Yokohama firefighting!

City of Yokohama, Fire Bureau maintains safety and security in Yokohama 24 hours a day, 365 days a year from disasters such as fire and emergency services. In addition, we have fire boats and helicopters, etc., and can respond quickly to any disaster. Realize Yokohama, a city where visitors, as well as residents, can feel safe and secure. Would you like to protect Yokohama with us?

※Benefits Limited to those who have selected "I want to support Yokohama firefighting!" (Those who live in Yokohama can also participate.)
You can experience the firefighting of "land, sea and sky"!

(Example of experience)
・Land: 1st fire fighter experience, ladder car boarding
・Sea: Fire boat boarding, water rescue training tour
・Empty: Air rescue training tour, firefighting helicopter and commemorative photo…Etc.
For detailed information, see the following URL.
[Responsible] Fire Bureau Planning Division
 Phone: 045-334-6401
 Fax: 045-334-6510
 E-mail: [email protected]

I want to support that school!

At Yokohama City School, 270,000 children are studying. In order to make children's educational activities more fulfilling, the donations received from everyone will be used to purchase equipment at the school you want and enhance extracurricular activities. Why don't you support the school together for the children who will lead the future of Yokohama?
[Responsible] Board of Education Secretariat General Affairs Division
 Phone: 045-671-3292
 Fax: 045-663-5547
 E-mail: [email protected]

I want to support young people who aim to play an active role in the international community!

In order for Yokohama to grow and develop sustainably in the future as an international city, it is important to foster young people with a global perspective that understands people and cultures from diverse countries and solves them together. Your donation will be used to support study abroad for high school students who are willing to live and attend school in the city. Why don't you support the young people of Yokohama who fly to the world together?
※We invite all of you who have contributed to the study abroad report meeting.
[Responsible] International Affairs Bureau Policy General Affairs Division
 Phone: 045-671-4700
 Fax: 045-664-7145
 E-mail: [email protected]

I want to support social activities!

Although Yokohama is a big city, it has a very active citizenship activity for the area and society where they live, and this is one of the attractions of Yokohama. With the donation of everyone, we support NPOs that are active in various fields (health, welfare, children, community development and environment, culture and sports, international, human rights and peace, economic and tourism promotion). Why don't you support NPOs working hard for a better community in the form of donations?
※We will send a report to all of you who donated it.
[Responsible] Civic Affairs Bureau Citizen Collaboration Promotion Section
 Phone: 045-671-4734
 Fax: 045-223-2032
 E-mail: [email protected]

I would like to cooperate with the collection of artworks!

The Yokohama Cultural Fund was established for the purpose of purchasing works stored in Yokohama Museum of Art and constructing cultural facilities, and has received a large amount of warm donations from citizens and companies. About 5,300 works of art collected by the Cultural Fund, including Cezanne's "Mrs. Cezanne wearing striped clothes", and recently, we have been collecting such as purchasing Yoshitomo Nara's "Spring Girl". Would you like to make a wonderful work of art into a collection of Yokohama?
[Responsible] Sports, Culture and Dynamic City Development Bureau Cultural Promotion Division
 Phone: 045-671-3714
 Fax: 045-663-5606
 E-mail: [email protected]

I want to cooperate with the improvement of social welfare!

Donations from everyone are widely used to improve social welfare, from children to young people, the elderly and the disabled, as well as social welfare and health-related businesses. We carry out a variety of projects, including support for elementary school student while entering and leaving elementary school student nursing homes, developing human resource development systems for visiting nurses, social participation of persons with disabilities, and raising awareness of disability understanding. I would like warm support of all of you for town development of support.
[Responsible] Health and Social Welfare Bureau Planning Division
 Phone: 045-671-3662
 Fax: 045-664-4739
 E-mail: [email protected]

I want to cooperate with conservation, a small forest area!

Even though Yokohama is a big city, it still has a green environment. The donations received from everyone are used to preserve small-scale forest areas close to citizens in cooperation with citizens and the government. Would you like to pass on the lush green Yokohama to the next generation?
[Responsible] Green Environment Bureau Strategic Planning Division
 Phone: 045-671-2670
 Fax: 045-550-4093
 E-mail: [email protected]

15.We want to cooperate with environmental conservation activities!

In Yokohama City, many citizens are engaged in environmental activities, and companies and educational institutions are also engaged in various environmental initiatives. The donations we receive are used to support these efforts by the dispatch lecture/off site lecture, promote environmental activities for elementary school students, and support the activities of the Park Protection Association. Do you not support approach for environmental conservation activity rooted in area and approach for spread enlightenment together?
[Responsible] Green Environment Bureau Strategic Planning Division
 Phone: 045-671-2891
 Fax: 045-550-4093
 E-mail: [email protected]

I want to protect Historic buildings! I want to make use of it!

Yokohama is home to valuable Historic buildings such as modern architecture, Western-style buildings and old folk house, making it a great attraction to the city. Your donations will be used to support the conservation and use of Historic buildings in community development, as well as to install and update signs to introduce Historic buildings in the city.
Why don't you leave the charm of Yokohama, colored by history, in the future?
[Responsible] Urban Development Bureau Urban Design Office
 Phone: 045-671-2023
 Fax: 045-664-4539
 E-mail: [email protected]

I want to cooperate with conservation in Doshi Water Source Forest!

Yokohama City, the birthplace of modern water supply, purchased the forest of Michishi Village from Yamanashi Prefecture in 1916 and maintained it as a water source forest. However, some private forests in the village are inadequately managed due to labor shortages, etc., and there is a concern that the water source recharge function (store, purify, and mitigate floods) will decrease. Therefore, we have established a fund to support citizen volunteer activities in conservation in private forests. Why don't you support those who cannot participate in the activities directly in the form of donations to the fund?
[Return goods of this utilization destination]
・"SDGs Future City Yokohama Zero Carbon Yokohama Original Badge" (donation of 10,000 yen or more)

・"SDGs Original Badge" and "Wooden Nameplate" (donation of 30,000 yen or more)
・"SDGs Original Badge" and "Wooden Certificate of Appreciation" (donation of 100,000 yen or more)
[Responsible] Water Works Bureau Public Relations Division
 Phone: 045-671-3085
 Fax: 045-212-1169
 E-mail: [email protected]

I would like to cooperate with the development of school facilities!

Since Yokohama is a large city, there are many schools, but many school buildings built in the 1970s, the period of rapid population growth, and we are rebuilding aging school facilities and constructing conservation. Your donations are used to rebuild school facilities, dismantle conservation, and close school facilities. Why don't you protect the smiles of the children who will lead the future together?
[Responsible] Board of Education Secretariat Educational Facilities Division
 Phone: 045-671-3254
 Fax: 045-664-4743
 E-mail: [email protected]

I want to support Yokohama!

Aiming to be a “Yokohama where both people and companies shine,” we use it for a wide range of measures, including support for child-rearing, support for women, young people, and seniors, support for companies rooted in the community, and town development resistant to disasters. Would you like to create the future of Yokohama together?
[Responsible] Policy Administration Bureau Financial Resources Promotion Division
 Phone: 045-671-4809
Fax: 045-663-4613
 E-mail: [email protected]

I want to support the library!

Yokohama City Library collects books useful for research and research and books to enjoy reading for citizens of all ages, from children to adults. Donations from everyone will be used to purchase books that enrich children's reading and learning activities. We look forward to your warm support for the enhancement of library materials.
[Return goods limited to those used]
Postcard “Yokohama’s Memory” (donation of 20,000 yen or more)

[Responsible] Board of Education Secretariat Chuo-toshokan Planning and Management Division
 Phone: 045-262-7334
 Fax: 045-262-0052
 E-mail: [email protected]

I want to support the promotion of sports!

In Yokohama City, we are promoting various measures to promote sports so that all citizens, from children to the elderly, can live a healthy and rich life through sports. Donations from everyone will be used for initiatives to rejuvenate Yokohama through sports, such as holding citizen participation-type events and facility maintenance for the purpose of promoting and promoting sports, and inviting and holding international competitions.
[Responsible] Sports, Culture and Dynamic City Development Bureau Sports Promotion Division
 Phone: 045-671-3287
 Fax: 045-664-0669
 E-mail: [email protected]

We want to support the promotion of global warming countermeasures!

Donations from everyone will be used to promote global warming countermeasures (Zero Carbon Yokohama) such as dissemination and enlightenment. As a “SDGs Future City, Yokohama,” we are promoting initiatives to realize a decarbonized society.

[Return goods of this utilization destination]
One "SDGs Future City Yokohama Zero Carbon Yokohama Original Badge" (donation of 10,000 yen or more)

[Responsible] Zero Carbon and GREEN×EXPO Promotion Bureau Decarbonization Planning Promotion Division
 Phone: 045-671-2622
 Fax: 045-663-5110
 E-mail: [email protected]

23.I want to support the Yokohama Marathon! (Support for holding Yokohama Marathon)

I want to support the Yokohama Marathon!

Donations from everyone will be used to ensure the safety of runners at the Yokohama Marathon and to operate the tournament safely by volunteers who support the tournament.
[Return goods limited to those used]
Right to run for the full marathon of Yokohama Marathon (for a limited time application)

[Responsible] Sports, Culture and Dynamic City Development Bureau Sports Promotion Division
 Phone: 045-651-0666
 Fax: 045-664-0669
 E-mail: [email protected]

I want to protect the waterside where Ayu fireflies can live!

The river in Yokohama, where many creatures such as ayu and fireflies inhabit, is promoting the creation of nature-rich rivers that take biodiversity into consideration. Your donations will be used to create a waterside environment that is easy for these creatures to live in conservation.
Thank you very much for your continued support.
[Responsible] Sewerage and Rivers Bureau River Planning Division
 Phone: 045-671-4215
 Fax: 045-651-0715
 E-mail: [email protected]

I want to support GREEN x EXPO 2027!

At the GREEN x EXPO 2027 (2027 International Horticultural Expo) held at the former Kami Seya Communication Facility in Yokohama City, visitors will be greeted with overwhelming flowers and greenery, and the importance of nature's charm and functions. We will provide attractive content that allows you to experience cutting-edge horticulture, agriculture, and various food cultures around the world while touching on. Why don't you support us together in the form of donations for the success of GREEN x EXPO 2027?

[Responsible] Decarbonization, GREEN × EXPO Promotion Bureau GREEN × EXPO Promotion Section
    Phone: 045-671-4627
    Fax: 045-212-1223
    E-mail: [email protected]

Return goods

■Please refer to this page for details.
■Individuals living outside the city who have donated a certain amount of money or more will receive return items according to the donation amount. We haven't sent any return items to the corporation.
■Donations to "support medical and infectious disease countermeasures related to COVID-19" will not be sent back goods.
■Please note that cannot cancel the contribution.

About contribution to Motoichi from one living in Yokohama-shi, we do not send return goods.
Due to the revision of the Local Tax Law, etc., after June 1, 2019, the local government of the donation will make return goods less than 30% of the donation amount, make local products, and donate from those in the residential area It became necessary to raise donations by methods (outside site) stipulated in the Local Tax Law, such as not providing return goods with consideration elements.
Motoichi will continue to work on appropriate operation along the purpose of the oldness and tax payment system, and will try to support many people.
※Donations of individuals to Yokohama City can also be filed as a tax credit for "hometown tax payment" for those living in Yokohama City.

Donation of bequests and inherited property to Yokohama City

In Yokohama City, we accept the thoughts of those who want to make use of the heritage to Yokohama City after their death, and "I want you to donate the heritage to Yokohama City because the deceased was taken care of and use it." We accept donations (bequests) and donations in cash for inherited property.

■Donation: This refers to donating some or all of your property (heritage) to local governments and organizations that have a connection with them in a manner that meets certain conditions, such as wills created before birth.

■Inheritance donation: This means that the person who inherited the property (heir) donates the inherited property. The donor will be the heir.

Bequest donations and inheritance donations require specialized knowledge, such as consideration for laws and family members, so we recommend that you consult with lawyers and judicial scriveners.

Please refer to the following page for the flow up to acceptance of bequests and inheritance donations.
Donation of bequests and inherited property to Yokohama City

Inquiries, etc.

Inquiries about hometown tax payment in general, such as return items, donation receipt certificates, one-stop applications, etc.

TEL: 050-3146-6615 (JTB oldness and tax payment call center)
Business hours Weekdays 9: 00-17: 15 Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays from 10:00 to 17:00 All year round (excluding 1/1 to 1/3)  
Inquiry form by email: “Inquiry” 

Sending one-stop application documents

19th floor of Yokohama Creation Square, 5, Sakaemachi, Kanagawa-ku, Yokohama
JTB Furusato Development Division Yokohama Sales Office

Inquiries about tax credit for donations

For resident tax deductions, go to the Tax Division of the municipality where you live (in the case of Yokohama, each ward office).
For income tax deductions, please contact your local tax office.

Inquiries about local revitalization support tax system (corporate version of hometown tax payment)

Policy Administration Bureau Financial Resources Promotion Division
Phone: 045-671-4809
For details of the system, please see the website of the Cabinet Office Regional Revitalization Promotion Secretariat.
Cabinet Office Regional Revitalization Promotion Secretariat [Corporate version oldness and tax payment portal site] (outside site)

Hometown tax payment related link

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Inquiries to this page

Policy Administration Bureau Management Strategy Department Financial Resources Promotion Division

Phone: 045-671-4809

Phone: 045-671-4809

Fax: 045-663-4613

E-Mail address [email protected]

Return to the previous page

Page ID: 385-047-325


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