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“Hometown Tax Payment” to Yokohama City (Project to create bustle with everyone)

※Donations of individuals to Yokohama City are subject to tax credit as "hometown tax payment".

Last updated on October 29, 2024.

Creating a lively atmosphere with everyone
Photo provided: Yokohama Port Passenger Ship Photo Contest

The appeal of Minato is indispensable to Yokohama, which has developed around the port since its opening of the port.
Yokohama Port has historically important assets such as Akarengasoko and Sail Training Ship, Nippon Maru, as well as plazas where you can relax while watching the sea, such as Zounohana Park and Rinko Park (Seaside Park), and fishing facilities in Oguro, Honmaki and Isogo.

Your donation will be used to preserve and utilize the citizen use facilities at Yokohama Port, create even more liveliness and vitality for everyone, and make it a port where people can gather and relax.

We look forward to your continued support.

For those who wish to receive return goods
About resumption of application for donation with return goods by payment notice
In "hometown tax payment" to Yokohama-shi, we send return goods to individuals living outside the city.
This time, due to the annual renewal of return items, we have temporarily suspended the application for donations if you wish to receive return items common to the donation menu, but we will inform you that we have resumed reception.

◆About return goods
Donors who have donated a certain amount can select return items such as "Yokohama-like" or "Yokohama-specific".
For more information, please refer to the following website.
List of return items
※Due to the revision of the Local Tax Law, etc., from June 1, 2019, we have not sent return goods for donations to Motoichi from those living in Yokohama City.

Application for donation

In case of payment by credit card, etc.

In the case of payment by credit card, etc., please apply from the following hometown tax payment portal site "Hometown Choice".
※We do not accept applications by mail.
※If you receive a donation from a resident of Yokohama City or a corporation or organization, we will not send return items, etc.
Please apply from "Donation without thank-you items" on the following page.

Oldness and choice (Yokohama-shi) (outside site)

In the case of payment at a financial institution

Please apply from the donation application form or the Internet (electronic application service).
We will send you a payment notice as soon as we confirm your donation application.
Please apply at the designated financial institution (bank, Japan Post Bank, etc.).

■Donation Application Form
Please download the form of the donation application form below, fill in the required items, and apply by mail, fax or e-mail to the address below.
The format of the donation application is divided into "for individuals" and "for corporations and organizations".
If you have any questions, please contact the City of Yokohama, Port and Harbor Bureau Busy Promotion Section (TEL: 671-2888).

■<< style of donation application >>
  ※The form of the application will vary depending on the donation amount.
  Donation application form (individual, less than 1 million yen) (Excel: 67KB)
  Donation application form (individual, more than 1 million yen) (word: 26KB)
 <For corporations and organizations>
  Donation application form (for corporations, groups, etc.) (word: 25KB)

■<< Destination of donation application >>
Mail: 〒231-0005
6-50-10, Honcho, Naka-ku, Yokohama-shi
City of Yokohama, Port and Harbor Bureau Lively Promotion Section
FAX: (045)651-7996
Email: [email protected]

■Electronic Application Service
Please enter required items in the electronic application form (external site) and apply.

Donation deduction system (a final tax return is required to receive donation deduction)

About contribution to "the making of bustle with all" business, we can receive donation deduction by "hometown tax payment system".
When salary earners who do not need to file a final tax return donate to the "Minato Busy Creation Project", donation deductions can be received without having to file a final tax return by submitting an application to Yokohama City. System (hometown tax payment one-stop exception system) was established. Applicable when the hometown taxpayer (such as Yokohama City) is within 5 places.
Specifically, please refer to the following Yokohama-shi Policy Administration Bureau financial resources securing promotion section homepage, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications homepage.

"Hometown tax payment" to Yokohama-shi (Yokohama-shi Policy Administration Bureau financial resources securing promotion section homepage)
"Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications homepage (donation tax system for personal residence tax such as oldness and tax payment)" (outside site)

In the case of an individual

Income tax and resident tax are reduced.
When you file a tax return such as a final income tax return, please attach a "donation receipt certificate" issued by Yokohama City.
After transferring the donation, please keep the "donation receipt certificate" mailed by mail until the time of final tax return.

In the case of a corporation

Under the corporate tax law, full deductions can be made.

About return goods 

■All donated menus in Yokohama City
Donors who have donated a certain amount can select return items such as "Yokohama-like" or "Yokohama-specific".
For more information, please refer to the following website.

■Creating a lively business unique to return goods
Sail Training Ship, Nippon Maru Yokohama Minato Museum Invitation Tickets (2 tickets) will be presented to individuals who have donated more than 10,000 yen each time and who have Address outside Yokohama.
※Please refer to the Sail Training Ship, Nippon Maru / Yokohama Minato Museum website (outside site) for the Yokohama Minato Museum.

①Due to the revision of the Local Tax Law, etc., from June 1, 2019, we have not sent return goods for donations to Motoichi from those living in Yokohama City.
②The request for return items is one item according to the donation amount from "all donation menus common return items in Yokohama City" or "Minato bustling business original return items".

Status of Donations

■FY2024 Donation Results Report
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who donated to this project.
43 donations in FY2024/2,319,000 yen (as of June 30, 2024)
※Of those who donated in 2024, we will announce the "Name (company name)" or "Name (company name) and donation amount" of those who have agreed to the publication.
※If you have agreed to disclose only your name, the amount column is indicated by "-".

FY2024 Donation Results Report
Name (corporate name)Amount
Mr. Shun Nishida        
Mr. Masaru Yabuguchi 
Mr. Tomokazu Hirano
Mr. Tomonori Hiramatsu10,000 yen

■FY2023 Donation Results Report
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who donated to this project.
506 donations in FY2023/27,715,800 yen (as of February 31, 2024)
※Of those who donated in 2023, we will announce the "Name (company name)" or "Name (company name) and donation amount" of those who have agreed to the publication.
※If you have agreed to disclose only your name, the amount column is indicated by "-".

FY2023 Donation Results Report
Name (corporate name)Amount
Mr. Kobayashi Naka13,000 yen
Mr. Hiroyuki Watanabe12,000 yen
Ms. Chikako Ide10,000 yen
Mr. Hiroyuki Ninomiya 
Mr. Koji Suzuki
Mr. Masashi Nakagawa536,000 yen
Mr. Yuki Kobayashi9,000 yen
Mr. Tsuyoshi Tomiguchi 
Mr. Shin Takaoka
Mr. Tatsuya Furushiro15,000 yen
Mr. Ryuro Shiraishi13,000 yen
Mr. Masashi Nakagawa228,000 yen
Mr. Teruhisa Kaneko
Mr. Yoshiaki Fukatsu
Mr. Shoji Yabuzaki
Mr. Yasushi Nagamori110,000 yen
Mr. Katsunori Miyata60,000 yen
Mr. Norimitsu Iijima
Honmoku-related Industrial Promotion Association200,000 yen
Kazuma Nakajima
Mr. Takeshi Suzuki
Mr. Jiro Aoki78,000 yen
Mr. Taisuke Asao
Masafumi Morishita
Mr. Takuya Yamabe
Mr. Kazuya Yamauchi

■FY2022 Donation Results Report
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who donated to this project.
127 donations for FY2022/6,045,000 yen
※We will announce the "Name (company name)" or "Name (company name) and donation amount" of those who have agreed to the publication among those who donated in FY2022.
※If you have agreed to disclose only your name, the amount column is indicated by "-".

FY2022 Donation Results Report
Name (corporate name)Amount
Masatsugu Ohno17,000 yen
Mr. Shun Nishida10,000 yen
Honmoku-related Industrial Promotion Association200,000 yen
Mr. Hiroyuki Fukuyama
Mr. Akira Kikuchi17,000 yen
Mr. Masahiro Obata20,000 yen
Mr. Kohei Okada210,000 yen

Mr. Leung Wai Man Raymond

Mr. Hiroyuki Kikuchi
Mr. Motonori Adachi
Mr. Yoshiaki Murata10,000 yen
Ryosuke Sekine
Mr. Yasushi Nagamori
Mr. Satoshi Marutani
Minoru Ota
Mr. Tsuyoshi Amamiya

Inquiries to this page

Port and Harbor Bureau Minato Busy Fisheries Promotion Department Busy Promotion Section

Phone: 045-671-2888

Phone: 045-671-2888

Fax: 045-651-7996

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 169-858-950


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