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[finished] About recruitment of Hamasapobench ("hometown tax payment" to Yokohama-shi)

Last updated on October 1, 2024.

About the end of recruitment of Hamasapobench

Since we were able to set up a large number of Hamasapobench, we have completed the installation of Hamasapobench using donations on September 30, 2024.

I would like to thank all of you for your warm feelings for Yokohama City.

About Hamasapobench

In Yokohama City, we are promoting "healthy town development" to maintain a walking environment such as information boards, distance signs, benches, and pavements so that you can work on health promotion while enjoying walking.

By receiving the donation, a bench with a plate with a message from everyone has been set up on a route to maintain "Healthy Town Development".

[Reference] Hamasapobench recruitment flyer (PDF: 2,832KB)

[Reference] Application Guidelines (PDF: 444KB)

Report on Contributions

I would like to take this opportunity to express my deepest gratitude to all those who donated to this project.

List of Donation Results (PDF: 216KB)

About hometown tax payment to Yokohama-shi

Please refer to the following page.

Donation to Yokohama City “Hometown Tax Payment” (Policy Administration Bureau Financial Resources Securing Promotion Division)

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Page ID: 567-211-715


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