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Last updated on October 1, 2024.

The text is from here.

Health town development promotion business

Have fun walking around Yokohama

The “Healthy Town Development Promotion Project” creates a place where people can work on health promotion while having fun by maintaining a walking space that contributes to improving the health of citizens and improving their willingness to go out, and extends the healthy life expectancy of each and every one. This is a business aimed at creating a vibrant Yokohama where people can live happily and happily.

Image Perth

Health town development promotion project implementation plan

Summary Version

Health town development promotion business operation plan summary version (PDF: 4,380KB)

Implementation plan

Cover, Table of Contents (PDF: 97KB)

1 Background and Purpose of Business (PDF: 141KB)

2 Purpose of implementation plan formulation (position) (PDF: 141KB)

3 Basic way of thinking in implementation of business (PDF: 142KB)

Cooperation and collaboration with the community in the implementation of 4 projects (PDF: 293KB)

5 Standard maintenance menu (PDF: 1,221KB)

Setting of 6 Route Plan (PDF: 914KB)

7 How to proceed with the maintenance of each route (PDF: 313KB)

Utilization image of 8 maintained route (PDF: 264KB)

Back cover (PDF: 81KB)

Health town development route [each ward version]

Health town development route [wide area version]

Introduction of brochures, etc. of health promotion routes

It is a pamphlet that lists the points and highlights of the health town development route. Please use it when walking.

[finished] About recruitment of Hamasapobench ("hometown tax payment" to Yokohama-shi)

Since we were able to set up a large number of Hamasapobench, we have completed the installation of Hamasapobench using donations on September 30, 2024.

I would like to thank all of you for your warm feelings for Yokohama City.

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