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Public relations and ratings for investors

Last updated on December 25, 2024.

Investor Relations for Investor Relations

Investor Explanation Materials

In Yokohama City, we conduct IR (Investor Explanation) for investors and others.
The explanation materials for investors are as follows.


Explanatory materials (PDF: 5,369KB)
Materials (PDF: 1,396KB)

Market Public Offering Local Bond Issuance Organization Joint IR Briefing Session

At a briefing held jointly by local governments that issue publicly offered local bonds for institutional investors, etc., they explained the financial situation of Yokohama City.

Date and time: Thursday, October 24, 2024
Location: Tokyo International Forum (3-5-1 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo)
Joint IR explanatory materials (outside site) (Local Bond Association HP)
About joint IR (outside site) (Local Bond Association HP)


Rating: A1 (Single A One) / Outlook (Direction of ratings): Stable

Yokohama City has acquired a rating from Moody's.
Reason for rating (excerpted from Moody's press release material)

  • Benefits from Japan's strong institutional framework for local governments, including financial support and strong monitoring of local finances.
  • Solid financial results
  • Financial Discipline Results

Press release (Moody's) (PDF: 194KB) (April 1, 2016)
Press release document (Yokohama-shi) (PDF: 260KB) (April 1, 2016)

On October 4, 2006, Yokohama City received the first request rating from Standard & Poors as a local government that issued publicly offered bonds.
The rating from the company was withdrawn on April 1, 2016 at the request of Yokohama City.
Press release document (Yokohama-shi) (PDF: 295KB) (October 4, 2006)

Investors Report

This is a report for investors with Motoichi ratings published by Moody's.
CREDIT OPINION (April 4, 2024) (PDF: 1,403KB)

Links on the financial status of Yokohama City

About detailed information about financial situation of Yokohama-shi, please see each page of the following linked.

Data on financial status (budget, settlement of accounts, financial summary, financial statements, etc.)
Work Reform
Motoichi basic policy, policy examination

In Yokohama City, we try to publish materials related to the financial situation on a daily basis on our website.

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Inquiries to this page

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Phone: 045-671-2240

Phone: 045-671-2240

Fax: 045-664-7185

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