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Main menu of Yokohama municipal bond

Last updated on December 6, 2024.



IR in Yokohama City

Investor Relations (IR) is an activity that provides investors with information necessary to make investment decisions, such as financial conditions.
In Yokohama City, information on handling financial institutions, such as the issuance conditions and financial status of municipal bonds, is explained at IR briefings, and information is provided on our website, leaflets, posters, booklets, etc.
For more information, please see the IR page of Yokohama City.

Introduction of Yokohama Municipal Bond Mascot

Do you know the pink rhinoceros that appear in leaflets, booklets and websites created by Finance Bureau, Yokohama?
It's Hamasai, the mascot of Yokohama municipal bond.
Hamasai's birthday is February 26, 2003.
We are active in having you know Yokohama municipal bond.

Hamasai image
Yokohama municipal bond mascot "Hamasai"

Inquiries to this page

Finance Division, Finance Bureau Finance Department

Phone: 045-671-2240

Phone: 045-671-2240

Fax: 045-664-7185

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 314-429-423


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