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  5. Hodogaya Ward “Examples of Activities for Disaster Prevention Organizations in Town”

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Hodogaya Ward “Examples of Activities for Disaster Prevention Organizations in Town”

We have created a collection of examples of activities and points of activities by disaster prevention organizations such as Neighborhood Association and Neighborhood Associations.

Please use it as reference materials for disaster prevention activities in Neighborhood Association, Neighborhood Associations, etc.

Last updated on March 15, 2023.

Collection of Disaster Prevention Organization Activities in the Town

Overview of Casebook

Examples of activities of 4 organizations

○Tokiwadai Neighborhood Association
(Support required by the advocate through "Support Map" and "Parachute System")
○Kawashima Daishi Neighborhood Associations
(Creation of disaster prevention map in Neighborhood Associations and cooperation in towns)
○Neighborhood Association Sakuragaoka / Eastern Kasumidai Neighborhood Association / Western Kasumidai Neighborhood Association / Central Tsukimidai Neighborhood Association
(“Flow of Evacuation during the COVID-19 pandemic” leaflet was created and distributed to all members in the evacuation shelter area.)
○Hoshi no Oka View City Neighborhood Association, Yokohama
("Disaster Prevention Festival" in which residents participate together.)

Information from Hodogaya Ward Office

○Points of disaster prevention organization activities in the town
○Let's take advantage of the support system

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Hodogaya Ward General Affairs Department General Affairs Division

Phone: 045-334-6203

Phone: 045-334-6203

Fax: 045-334-6390

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 633-974-195

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