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About utilization of former Kunugidai Elementary School site

Last updated on January 20, 2025.

[finished] We will conduct a sounding-type market survey related to the utilization of the former site of the former Kunugidai Elementary School

We are examining the effective use of the site of the former Kunugidai Elementary School (Kawajima-cho, Hodogaya-ku), which closed in 2013.
This time, as a sounding-type market survey, we conducted a “dialogue” to ask companies and other private businesses about their intentions to enter the market.
At the same time, we will investigate whether or not we can respond to the open call for participants conditions (draft) based on local needs.

Subject of investigation

[Name] Former Kunugidai Elementary School
Location 1374-1, Kawashimacho, Hodogaya-ku, Yokohama-shi
[Building Overview]
 Total floor area: 5,087m2 school building, 4-story reinforced concrete building, completed in 1971
 (Seismic reinforcement in 1994)
[Restrictions by Urban Planning]
 Urbanization area, semi-fire prevention area
[Restrictions on Construction, Development, etc.]
 Type 1 middle-high-rise residential area ratio / floor area ratio: 60/150 Class 3 altitude district
[Conditions to be described in the application conditions] ※For more information, please refer to the following website.
 Designation of evacuation shelter
 Maintaining “Functions” Community House
 Opening of the ground and gymnasium as much as possible

Overview of the survey, etc.

Please check the implementation guidelines and consider participating in sounding.
Implementation Guidelines
Entry sheet
Pre-hearing sheet
Press release materials
“Action Plan for the Kawashima Area”
 ※3 Concept of post-use (3) Reference materials for responding to local needs
Date and time From Monday, October 7, 2024 to Friday, October 11, 2024
[Venue] Yokohama City Hall and Hodogaya Ward Office Meeting Room
[Target persons] Corporations or groups of corporations interested in the utilization business of the former Kunugidai Elementary School
[Implementation Method] Direct dialogue (scheduled to be held within 1 hour per group)

Application for participation

[Application period] From Wednesday, July 31, 2024 to Friday, August 30, 2024 
[How to apply] Submit the following by e-mail.

  • Application: Hodogaya Ward Ward Administration Promotion Division Planning and Adjustment Section ([email protected])
  • Email subject: [Application for Sounding Participation]
  • Email body: Company name, presence or absence of on-site tour
  • attached documents: Entry sheet

※After receiving the e-mail, the ward office will inform you of the date and time of implementation.
[On-site tour]
 A local tour will be held before the sounding is held.
 Date and time: Tuesday, September 3, 2024 10: 00-12: 00
 Location: Former Kunugidai Elementary School (1374-1 Kawajima-cho, Hodogaya-ku)
 ※There is no parking available, so please use public transportation.
 ※Even if you do not participate in the field tour, you can participate in the dialogue.
[After application] Please submit a pre-hearing sheet at least 5 days before the sounding.


Sounding was held from October 7 (Mon) to October 11 (Fri), 2024.
Results of implementation (PDF: 201KB)

(finished) Company hearing survey on the examination of building utilization

Regarding the building of the former Kunugidai Elementary School, which was closed in March 2013, we will conduct a hearing survey with private businesses and public interest corporations on feasible local contributions along with effective utilization measures. The results will be shared with local meetings and used for future studies.

Subject of investigation

All or part of the building of the former Kunugidai Elementary School (unit of building)

Location 1374-1, Kawashimacho, Hodogaya-ku, Yokohama-shi
[Building Overview]
 Total floor area: 5,087m2 school building, 4-story reinforced concrete building, completed in 1971
 (Seismic reinforcement in 1994)
[Restrictions by Urban Planning]
 Urbanization area, semi-fire prevention area
[Restrictions on Construction, Development, etc.]
 Type 1 middle-high-rise residential area ratio / floor area ratio: 60/150 Class 3 altitude district
[Facilities and functions that require maintenance]
 Kunugidai Elementary School Community House
 evacuation shelter Opens Ground Gymnasium
 It is necessary to consider the establishment of rooms that can be used by local residents on a permanent basis.

Overview of the Survey

・Press release materials
Implementation Guidelines (PDF: 7,095KB)
・Question sheet
[Execution Period] From Monday, October 19, 2020 to the end of September, 2021 
The interview time is about 30 minutes to 1 hour.
※As soon as the project is gathered, the hearing may be terminated regardless of the above period.
[Place] Hodogaya Ward Office
[Target persons] A corporation or an organization that operates in the community that may conduct business using all or part of the building of the former Kunugidai Elementary School (unit of building) or an organization that operates in the community
[Survey] Please refer to the following URL.

Application for participation

[Application period] From Monday, October 19, 2020 to the end of September, 2021 
[How to apply] Submit the following by e-mail.

  • Application: Hodogaya Ward Ward Administration Promotion Division Planning and Adjustment Section ([email protected])
  • Email subject: [Application for Hearing Participation]
  • Email body: Company name, desired date of hearing (e.g., desired in late October)

※After receiving the e-mail, the ward office will inform you of the desired date and time of implementation.
If you would like to check the site, please contact us in advance. I will adjust it individually.


Interviews were held from October 16, 2020 to September 30, 2021.
Results of implementation (PDF: 277KB)

(finished) Company hearing survey on the examination of land and building utilization

Regarding the land and buildings of the former Kunugidai Elementary School, which closed in March 2013, regarding the feasible local contributions as well as effective utilization measures, mainly the feasibility of local needs, with private businesses and public interest corporations The purpose is to clarify through hearing surveys through dialogue with The results will be consulted with local meetings, the needs will be clarified, and used for future studies.

Subject of investigation

All or part of the land and buildings of the former Kunugidai Elementary School
Location 1374-1, Kawashimacho, Hodogaya-ku, Yokohama-shi

Overview of the Survey

  • Press release materials
  • Implementation Guidelines
  • Question sheet

Date and time From Monday, May 13, 2019 to Friday, May 17, about 30 minutes to 1 hour
[Place] Hodogaya Ward Office
[Target persons] Corporations or corporations that may conduct business using all or part of the land and buildings of the former Kunugidai Elementary School or organizations that operate in areas such as corporations (including farmers, etc.)
[Survey] Please refer to the following URL.

Application for participation

[Application period] From Wednesday, March 27, 2019 to Tuesday, May 7, 2019
[How to apply] Submit the entry sheet by e-mail.

  • Application: Hodogaya Ward Ward Administration Promotion Division Planning and Adjustment Section ([email protected])
  • Email subject: [Application for Hearing Participation]
  • Email attachment: Entry sheet

After Wednesday, May 8, 2019, we will inform you of the date and time and location by e-mail.
If you would like to check the site, please contact us in advance. I will adjust it individually.


Hearings were held between May 15 and 17, 2015.
Results of implementation (PDF: 271KB)

Examining so far

In the wake of the closing of Kunugidai Elementary School in March 2013, Hodogaya Ward has been studying community-based community development mainly by local residents.
As a result of the examination, the activities that the local people themselves are working on to solve local issues are summarized as an "action plan", and as a regional-based organization to be promoted in the future, we will summarize the activities that the local community will work on in the future.
We have established the “Kawashima Community Development Study Group (round table meeting)” and continue our activities and examinations.
Action plan of Kawashima area (PDF: 2,744KB)

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Inquiries to this page

Hodogaya Ward Ward Administration Promotion Division Planning and Adjustment Section

Phone: 045-334-6227

Phone: 045-334-6227

Fax: 045-333-7945

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 613-675-715

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