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August 2024 issue

Last updated on August 7, 2024.

Public information Yokoha Mamagaya ward version August issue cover

  • Cover, Special Feature 1: Let's start with the right separation! Decarbonized society
  • Special Feature 2: Let's take a look at the work of Public Works Office Hodogaya!
  • Topics: Recruitment of dietary life improvement promotion staff (health mate) training seminar students / recruitment of Magagaya inhabitant of a ward festival flea market openers! / Recruitment of first Haisha-san participants / recruitment of Hodogaya Ward official mascot character design / blood sugar control seminar / 11th Homogaya anti-crime program Kawayanagi contest recruitment
  • Column: Ayumi of Hodogaya Ward / Advice on Health and Medical Care
  • From the ward office / from the facility / Let's go to the stadium to support Yokohama FC! / Let's read with children
  • Health and child care information / sports information / violet communication-information open space of inhabitants of a ward-

PDF version

Text version

About cancellation of publication event in public information Yokohama Magagaya ward edition August issue

The next event published in the August issue of the public information Yokohama Magagaya Ward has been canceled.

Page 11 Iwama Citizen Plaza “Playing the Melody of Silk Road 27”

Contact information

Iwama Citizen Plaza
Phone: 045-337-0011 、FAX: 045-337-2500

Catalog Pocket, a public relations paper browsing service

Public information Yokohama Magagaya ward version supports catalog pocket from May, 2024 issue.
Catalog Pocket is a service that allows you to view public relations papers from your smartphone or PC.
By converting the public relations paper into an e-book, the text in the article will pop up and make it easier to read, as well as functions such as text-to-speech and multilingual automatic translation can be used.
Please refer to the public relations paper browsing service "Catalog Pocket" for details on how to use it.

Click here for the public information Yokohama city version

About open data (use of data) of public information yokohama Magagaya ward version

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Inquiries to this page

Hodogaya Ward General Affairs Department Ward Administration Promotion Division

Phone: 045-334-6221

Phone: 045-334-6221

Fax: 045-333-7945

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 507-898-054

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