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After school for elementary school students

Last updated on May 21, 2024.

As a place where elementary school students can enjoy and safely after school, there are two projects in Yokohama: the after-school kids club (Kids) established at each elementary school and the After-School Care Program Clubs (Schoolchildren's Day Care) operated locally.

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About after-school kids club (Kids)

Overview of the after-school kids club business


After-school kids club is a project that utilizes elementary school facilities.
①The purpose of this program is to provide free “playground” to all children, and to provide “lifeplace” to elementary school student, who is away from home.
It was started in 2004 and was installed in all elementary schools in Motoichi in 2020.
All 15 elementary schools have after-school kids clubs in Izumi Ward.

Target elementary school student

As a general rule, elementary school student, 1st to 6th graders who go to the school and wish to use it.

Date of opening

The after-school kids club is open in principle except Sunday, national holidays, and New Year's holidays (from December 29 to January 3).
However, if there is an unavoidable reason to close the kids club after school, or if you do not wish to use it, the closing or opening hours may be shortened.
In addition, the available date and time vary depending on the usage category.

About the use of kids club after school

Use category

Exciting [Category 1]

Norday: From after school until 4 p.m.
Sunday: None
School holidays: 2 hours a day (depending on the after-school kids club)
(Exciting [Category 1] is implemented as a "place of play". For this reason, it may not be implemented in the event of a disaster, when a heat stroke alert is issued, or measures against infectious diseases. )

Sukusuku (Yuyake) [Category 2A]

Norday: From after school until 5 p.m.
Sunday: From 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
School holidays except Saturday: From 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Smoothly (Hoshizora) [Category 2B]

Norday: From after school until 7 p.m.
Sunday: From 8:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
School holidays except Saturday: From 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Application for use

Please apply directly to each kids club after school.

Exciting [Category 1]

Exciting [Category 1] is implemented as a “place of play”. For this reason, we may not carry out emergency situations.
When using the spot, a usage fee of 800 yen / time and a snack fee (about actual cost) will be charged.
※Spot use: This is a system that accepts children as an out-of-home elementary school student until 7:00 pm when they are out of home after school due to temporary errands of parents who are excited [Category 1] . It can be used only when there is space in the capacity of [Category 2] quickly. (If you use the spot, 800 yen / time + snack fee (about actual cost))

Sukusuku (Hoshizora) [Category 2AB]

It can only be used in Yuyake (Hoshizora) [Category 2AB] at home elementary school student, etc., and is implemented as a "play place" and a "life place".
Absence home elementary school student, etc. refers to children in households where it is difficult for parents to protect and raise their children after school due to employment.

Usage fees, etc.

Exciting [Category 1]

Free of charge

Sukusuku (Yuyake) [Category 2A]

April-June and September-March: Monthly fee 2,000 yen + snack fee (about actual cost)
July/August: 2,500 yen per month + snack fee (about actual cost)
(For households receiving Subsidies for School Expenses in Yokohama, households exempt from the income tax rate, and households receiving livelihood protection are free of charge.)

Smoothly (Hoshizora) [Category 2B]

April-June and September-March: Monthly fee 5,000 yen + snack fee (actual cost)
(2,500 yen per month for households receiving Subsidies for School Expenses in Yokohama, households exempt from income tax, and households receiving livelihood protection)
July/August: 5,500 yen per month + snack fee (about actual cost)
(3,000 yen per month for households receiving Subsidies for School Expenses, households exempt from municipal tax income, and households receiving social security)

Common to all categories

Insurance subscription fee: 800 yen or less per year (depending on the after-school kids club)

List of after-school kids clubs

About After-School Care Program Clubs (Schoolchildren's Day Care)

In After-School Care Program Clubs, children who have no parents at home due to reasons such as daytime or work, spend their time with elementary school student supporters after school to play, do homework, and eat snacks in order to spend a safe and rich after school.
There are ten After-School Care Program Clubss in Izumi Ward.

Overview of After-School Care Program Clubs

Target elementary school student

elementary school student, an elementary school student living in Yokohama, has no guardians at home due to daytime work or other reasons.

Date of establishment

Every Monday to Saturday
Excludes Sunday, public holidays, and New Year's holidays (December 29-January 3)

Opening hours


From after school until 7 p.m.

Saturday and long holidays

From 8:00 or 8:30 to 7:00 p.m.
※ It depends on each club.

Application for membership

We accept it directly at the schoolchild Club.
Every year, we hold entrance briefings since November of the previous year.

Usage fees, etc.

Please contact each club as it varies depending on the club.

List of After-School Care Program Clubs

※Children with disabilities may be able to use the daycare support project for children with disabilities.
Please consult with the ward Children and Families Support Division office (No. 210) about the availability and method of use.


About Yokohama-shi after school elementary school student upbringing business

For more information about the Yokohama City After School elementary school student Training Program, please visit the website of the Child and Youth Bureau After School elementary school student Training Division.

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Inquiries to this page

Izumi Ward Health and Welfare Center Children and Families Support Division School Cooperation and Children

Phone: 045-800-2444

Phone: 045-800-2444

Fax: 045-800-2524

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 259-274-393

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