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About conduct result of inhabitant of a ward opinion offer for draft

In formulating the Kanazawa Support Plan (4th Kanazawa Ward Community Welfare and Health Plan), we solicited opinions on the draft. We would like to announce the valuable opinions we received from you.

Last updated on February 14, 2022.

About result of draft opinion offer

Number of respondents: 47 Total number of opinions: 62 cases
・How to submit opinions: 16 electronic application forms, 8 e-mails, 10 dedicated postcards, 0 faxes, 1 sealed letter, and 12 others (submitted at meetings)
・Breakdown of men and women: 22 men, 19 women, 0 others who want to answer, 6 not filled out
・Age breakdown: 0 under 20 years old, 20-39 5 people, 18 people between 40 and 64 years old, 12 people between 65 and 74 years old, 7 people over 75 years old, 5 people not filled out

Thank you for your many opinions, including the opinions reflected in the plan booklet and the opinions that will be used as a reference for future promotion.
Please download the PDF below for details.

Overview of Opinion Call

・Opinion period: From Saturday, September 11, Reiwa 3 to Friday, October 8 ※Must arrive
・Draft Booklet Distribution Location: Kanazawa Ward Office, Kanazawa Ward Japan National Council of Social Welfare, Community Care Plaza, District Center, etc.
・Method of submitting opinions: Mail (use of postcard on the back cover of the draft booklet), Yokohama City Electronic Application and Notification Service, FAX, E-mail

Direction and outline of the Fourth Plan

Awareness survey on living and local communities in Kanazawa Ward (conducted in FY2019)

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Inquiries to this page

Kanazawa Ward Health and Welfare Center Health and Welfare Division Business Planning Officer

Phone: 045-788-7824

Phone: 045-788-7824

Fax: 045-784-4600

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 744-914-386

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