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After-school elementary school student Healthy Development Project

Last updated on March 6, 2025.

Contact Office 404th floor Children and Families Support Division
TEL: 788-7753 FAX: 788-7794

After-school elementary school student Healthy Development Project

As a place where elementary school students can enjoy and safely after school, each elementary school has a “After School Kids Club”, a special support school has a “Hamako Fureai School”, and a local community-run “After-School Care Program Clubs”.

※You will not be able to participate in "Kids" in different school districts.
List of post-school elementary school student healthy upbringing establishments in Kanazawa Ward (PDF: 1,067KB)

After school kids club

Utilizing elementary school facilities, the purpose is to provide a safe and comfortable after-school place that combines a place for play and a place for living. .

Information on Kids Club in Kanazawa Ward

Hamako Fureai School

The special support school Hamako Fureai School (hereinafter referred to as Hamako Fureai School) promotes the creation of safe and healthy after-school places to stay after school by utilizing school facilities that they are used to. Through play and exchange, we carry out for the purpose of cultivating children's creativity, independence, sociality, etc.

Information on Hamako Fureai School in Kanazawa Ward

After-School Care Program Clubs

We carry out with local understanding and cooperation so that children such as families without parents can spend safe and rich after school for reasons such as daytime employment.

Kanazawa Ward After-School Care Program Clubs

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Kanazawa Ward Health and Welfare Center Children and Families Support Division

Phone: 045-788-7785

Phone: 045-788-7785

Fax: 045-788-7794

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 766-530-198

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