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  5. [Recruitment end] [Kanazawa Ward] Recruitment guidance for municipal nursery school fiscal year appointment staff nursery school nursery teacher (childcare charge) (monthly job) recruitment in 2025

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[Recruitment end] [Kanazawa Ward] Recruitment guidance for municipal nursery school fiscal year appointment staff nursery school nursery teacher (childcare charge) (monthly job) recruitment in 2025

About the fiscal year appointment staff (monthly job: nursery school nursery teacher (childcare charge)) who can work in municipal nursery school, we raise adoption in 2025.

Last updated on December 16, 2024.


Being registered as a nursery teacher, or being expected to be registered by March 2025.
(Including registration by passing the regional limited nursery teacher test conducted in Kanagawa Prefecture.)
In addition, it does not fall under the grounds for disqualification regarding recruitment stipulated in Article 16 of the Local Public Service Act.

Duties, working conditions, etc.


①Childcare services
②Other duties necessary for nursery school management
③In addition, disaster response work in the event of a large-scale disaster (basically auxiliary work, only during working hours)

Working conditions

Work location
Kanazawa Sakura Nursery School (Mudgame 1-21-1)
Minami Rokuura Nursery School (Rokuura 5-20-1)
Namiki Nursery School (Namiki 1-4-4)
Working days
Working 5 days a week from Monday to Saturday (30 hours a week)
No work days
Sunday and 1 day a week (rotation system)
※No work is required on holidays, January 1, January 2, January 3, December 29, December 30 and December 31.
Working hours
6: 50 to 19:10 (actual 6-hour shift system)
※Specifically, please confirm offer guidance (PDF: 304KB).

¥186,700 per month 
※The amount of compensation is the estimated amount as of November 2024.
 The amount is subject to change due to the revision of the system.
Term-end allowance, diligence allowance, commuting expenses (equivalent to actual expenses) are paid separately according to Yokohama City standards.

Annual vacation, summer vacation, etc.

Social insurance
Joined employee health insurance (Yokohama City Mutual Aid Association), Employees' Pension Insurance and employment insurance

※Other working conditions are based on related regulations such as the regulations about salary and expense compensation of staff appointed in Yokohama-shi fiscal year.


Fiscal year appointment staff stipulated in Article 22.2 of the Local Public Service Act

Appointment period

From April 1, 2025 to March 31, 2026
(If a job with the same job content is set up after the expiration of the above appointment period, and if the results of the proof of competence are good, it may be re-appointed regardless of public offering. (up to 4 times)

Application period

From November 25, 2024 to December 9, 2024

Number of recruitment


How to apply

Please submit the next required documents to Kanazawa Ward Children and Families Support Division.
(1)Fiscal year appointment staff application (first style) (PDF: 219KB)
(2)Copy of childcare card
(If you are expected to register as a nursery teacher by March 2025, please submit it after registration. In addition, even if you pass the selection, you will not be able to recruit if you cannot register as a nursery teacher. If it is found after recruitment that you could not register, we will cancel the recruitment. )
(3)Essay paper (one to one and a half manuscript paper (from 400 characters to 600 characters)) (PDF: 51KB)
Theme "What I want to cherish as a nursery teacher"
※In addition, the personal information described in the submitted documents will not be used without the consent of the individual for any purpose other than this recruitment and recruitment. Also, please note that submitted documents cannot be returned.

Selection method, etc.

(1)Document selection: Dec. 18 Results Notification Scheduled
(2)Interview selection: Scheduled to be held on December 26, December 27 or early January. Notification of results from late January
(3)physical checkup: Scheduled to be held in late January (Schedule will be announced separately)
 Those who have passed the interview screening will be asked to visit physical checkup.

Pass/fail decision and notice of recruitment/non-recruitment

(1)From those who have passed the selection, after the recruitment staff is determined, the recruitment candidate will be determined and notified. (We will notify you by mail after the end of January.)
(2)If the 2025 budget is not voted on by the Yokohama City Council, it may not be adopted even if it passes the selection.

Application and contact information

Kanazawa Ward Children and Families Support Division (404 on the 4th floor of Kanazawa Ward Office)
In charge: Matsumoto, Ishikawa
Phone: 045-788-7795 (Mon-Fri: 8: 45-17: 00, weekends and holidays)
FAX: 045-788-7794
Email:[email protected]
Address: 2-9-1 mudgame, Kanazawa-ku, 236-0021, Japan

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Inquiries to this page

Kanazawa Ward Health and Welfare Center Children and Families Support Division

Phone: 045-788-7785

Phone: 045-788-7785

Fax: 045-788-7794

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 185-908-810

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