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Last updated on January 25, 2021.

Major Activities

Opening ceremony for Yokohama Sports Partners

  With the launch of "Yokohama Sports Partners" on Thursday, October 1, the opening ceremony was held on the same day with representatives of each team. .

1 Date and time
 Thursday, October 1, 2020 11: 15-11: 45
2 venues
 Reception room on the 31st floor of Yokohama City Hall
3 Attendees
 ・Mayor Fumiko Hayashi, Mayor of Yokohama
 ・Representative of Yokohama Sports Partner Team
(1) Opening
(2) Mayor's Greeting
(3) Greetings from representatives of each team
(4) Group photo shooting
(5) Closing
5 Press release materials 
With the power of top sports, we will excite Yokohama! (PDF:681KB)

■Click here for the event report Hamaspo (Yokohama Sports Information Site) (outside site)

Representative of each team of Yokohama Sports Partners

Yokohama Genki! Sports Recreation Festival 2020 (cancelled in 2020 due to approach of Typhoon No. 14)

 The Yokohama City and the Yokohama Sports Recreation Festival 2020 Executive Committee held the “Yokohama Genki! Sports Recreation Festival 2020” throughout the city from July to November with the aim of providing citizens with the opportunity to get acquainted with sports and recreation. Was held.
 At the central event on Saturday, October 10, as a countermeasure against COVID-19 infection, sports classes will be held by each team of Yokohama Sports Partners after taking sufficient safety measures such as limiting the number of participants through advance application system. However, it was canceled due to the approach of Typhoon No. 14.

Press release materials
Yokohama Genki!! Sports Recreation Festival 2020 Central Event will be held! (PDF:677KB) ※Notice of cancellation

Creation of posters for countermeasures against COVID-19 infection

 With the cooperation of six teams participating in Yokohama Sports Partners (Yokohama DeNA Baystars, Yokohama FC, Yokohama F. Marinos, Y.S.C., Nippon University FIELDS Yokohama, Nippatsu Yokohama FC Seagulls), we will create educational posters related to COVID-19 infection measures and post them in various parts of the city.

Infectious Disease Control Poster (vertical ver.)(PDF:3,604KB)

Poster for COVID-19 infection (horizontal ver.)(PDF:2,694KB)

Distribution of digital patrol radio exercises video

 Radio gymnastics videos in each region are distributed on YouTube's radio gymnastics channel (Kanpo Life Official).
 In the video of Yokohama City, top athletes of 6 teams participating in Yokohama Sports Partners (Nitai University FIELDS Yokohama, Y.S.C. (Futsal), Yokohama B Corsears, Yokohama GRITS, Hitachi Sandiva, YOKOHAMA TKM) performed radio exercises.

■What is Digital Tour Radio Exercise?
 In cooperation with local governments, which were scheduled to hold the 2020 Tour Radio Gymnastics and Everyone's Gymnastics Event, which was canceled due to the influence of COVID-19 infection, we produce radio gymnastics videos in each region and distribute them on the radio gymnastics channel of Kanpo Life.
※You can participate in a donation of 10 yen per video playback!

Digital patrol radio exercises

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