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Last updated on March 12, 2025.
Major Activities
- Elementary school physical education supplementary reading "Taiku"
- Children's Adventure College 2024
- Yokohama Sports Times
- YOKOHAMA Sports Recreation Festival 2024
- YOKOHAMA Sports Spring Festa
Message to elementary school physical education supplementary reading "Taiku" [April]
With the cooperation of 13 Yokohama Sports Partners teams, a message to children is posted in the elementary school physical education supplementary book "Taiku" issued for first-year, third- and fifth-year elementary school students in 2024.
※The information posted is current as of December 2023.
※What is the elementary school physical education sub-reader "Taiku"?
In order to enhance children's physical education learning, the teaching materials used in classes at Yokohama Municipal Elementary Schools include elementary school physical education supplementary readings "Taiku 1.2 years", "Taiku 3.4 years", and "Taiku 5.6 years", edited by the Yokohama Municipal Elementary Schools Sports Study Group.
This supplementary reader is revised every year to help children learn independently.
Elementary school physical education supplementary reading "Taiku" (PDF: 9,619KB)
Children's Adventure College 2024 [August]
At the Children's Adventure College 2024 event hosted by Board of Education Secretariat on August 6 and 7, 2024, we held "Let's learn various jobs for sports teams!"
In the program, with the cooperation of Yokohama F. Marinos, Yokohama Excellence, Yokohama FC, Yokohama Canon Eagles, and Yokohama B Corsears, we talked about work by players and team staff, created goods and posters, and thought about catch phrases. We had you do.
In addition, Yokohama GRITS held a public relations workshop at a different venue as "YG Project to introduce dual-career players to others!"
Program at Yokohama F. Marinos
State of Yokohama Excellence Program
Program of Yokohama FC
The program of Yokohama Canon Eagles
The program of Yokohama B Corsares
Program of Yokohama GRITS
Yokohama Sports Times [October]
With the cooperation of 13 Yokohama Sports Partners, we distributed the Yokohama Sports Times to Municipal Elementary Schools and all elementary school student at the Special Needs School Elementary School.
In the space, each team's favorite players and children's dreams, interviews with players, introductions of team competitions, etc. are posted.
※Information on the page is current as of the end of August 2024.
Yokohama Sports Times
Yokohama Sports Times
Yokohama Sports Times (PDF: 14,645KB)
YOKOHAMA Sports Recreation Festival 2024 [October]
On October 14, 2024, a "Sports Day" event was held at Shin-Yokohama Park.
As one of various recreation booths and classrooms, elementary school sports classes were held with the cooperation of the Yokohama Sports Partners team.
Through baseball, soccer, basketball, rugby, ice hockey, etc., the children were taught by the team how to handle the ball and how to move the body, and children who have no experience in the competition participated happily with a smile .
※Only "Ice Hockey & Skating Experience" by Yokohama GRITS was held on October 13 at KOSÉ Shin-Yokohama Skating Center.
Baseball Contact Class (Yokohama DeNA Baystars)
Let's enjoy soccer with parents and children! (Yokohama FC)
Walking football experience with parents and children (Y.S.C.C.)
Soccer Class (Yokohama F. Marinos)
Soccer contact classroom-Let's become friends with the ball-(Nitai University SMG Yokohama)
Basketball experience with parents and children (Yokohama Be Corsears)
Basketball Class (Yokohama Excellence)
Rugby Beginner Experience Class-through Tag Rugby-(YOKOHAMA TKM / Yokohama Canon Eagles / Yokohama Rugby Football Association)
Ice hockey & skating experience (Yokohama GRITS)
YOKOHAMA Sports Spring Festa [February]
"YOKOHAMA Sports Spring Festa" was held in Yokohama City Hall on Sunday, February 23 and Monday, February 24! In addition to the competition experience booth and panel exhibition by the team, a program for the child-rearing generation of the sports club Megalos, a QOL checkup of Meiji Yasuda Seimei, a sports x digital experience booth, and a kitchen car where you can enjoy stadium and arena gourmet are gathered, and many visitors I enjoyed it!
Soccer Kick Target (Nitai University SMG Yokohama)
Basketball Shooting Experience (Yokohama Excellence)
Rugby Struck Out (YOKOHAMA TKM)
Soccer dribble shooting experience (Nippatsu Yokohama FC Seagulls)
Sports x Digital Experience (Ski)
Sports x Digital Experience (cycling)
Program for Child-rearing Generations (Sports Club Megalos)
QOL Health Examination (Meiji Yasuda Life Insurance Company)
Yokohama Sports Partners Panel Exhibition
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