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Pre-camp host town

Last updated on May 25, 2023.


What is a pre-camp?

This training is conducted to eliminate the time difference, adapt to the climate, and adjust the condition before Irimura in the athlete village.
It is a period in which players will increase their concentration so that they can perform the best in the tournament.

Implementation status of the Tokyo 2020 Games in Yokohama City

In Yokohama City, we accepted pre-camps in U.K., the Republic of Botswana, and the Republic of Tunisia, and supported the acceptance of pre-camps in nine countries through the Strategic Bilateral Sports International Contribution Project (*) implemented by Nippon Sport Science University.
※Strategic bilateral sports international contribution project: Nippon Sport Science University, commissioned by the Sports Agency, mainly supports the participation of the Paralympic Committee in developing countries and regions to participate in the Tokyo 2020 Games. Contributed to the expansion of participating countries in the Paralympic Games

●Implementation period
・Olympic National Team: From July 1 to August 4, 2021 (including the period of preparation and withdrawal by staff)
・Paralympic National Team: From August 4 to September 3, 2021 (including the period of preparation and withdrawal by staff)
●Practice facilities (in the city)
 Yokohama International Pool / Keio University Hiyoshi Campus / Yokohama Country Club / Pacifico-yokohama Pedestrian Deck

The Republic of Botswana
●Implementation period
・Olympic National Team: From July 7 to August 5, 2021
・Paralympic National Team: From August 13 to August 20, 2021
●Practice facilities (in the city)
 Nippon Sport Science University Yokohama Kenshidai Campus / Takesou Junior High School / High School

[Republic of Tunisia]
●Implementation period
・Olympic National Team: July 10, 2021 to July 26, 2021
●Practice facilities (in the city)
 Nippon Sport Science University Yokohama Kenshidai Campus / Tsurumi Sports Center

[Strategic bilateral sports international contribution project]
●Implementation period
・Paralympic National Team: From August 14 to August 20, 2021
●Practice facilities (in the city)
・Nippon Sport Science University Yokohama Kenshidai Campus

"GO GB 2020" archive of the British national team support site

Since signing a memorandum of understanding with the U.K. Olympic National Team in February 2016, Yokohama City, Kawasaki City and Keio University have established a cooperative system and worked together to accept the UK National Team, one of the world's leading sports powers and a large team of players.
In 2018, we created a three-party design with the slogan “GO GB (Go Give, UK)” and opened a website to support the British national team.

Tripartite Archive / Collective Version <Excerpts from the three parties>
Tokyo 2020 Games U.K. National Team Preliminary Camp Support Site GO GB 2020 Archive (PDF: 3,945KB)

Yokohama City Archive Overall Version (English)
G O G B 2 0 2 0 W e b s i t e a r c h i v e (PDF:23,455KB)

Host town

What is Host Town?

The host town is registered by the Cabinet Secretariat to promote human, economic and cultural exchanges between participating countries and the region, and to promote regional revitalization, etc., triggered by the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games. It is a local government that has been received.
Yokohama City has been registered as a host town in nine countries.

Host Town Partner in Yokohama City

U.K., Israel, Republic of Tunisia, Republic of Benin, Botswana, Côte d'Ivoire, Bulgaria, Morocco, the Democratic People's Republic of Algeria (in order of registration)

The International Affairs Bureau International Cooperation Division published a leaflet summarizing information about the above nine countries (February 2021). Please take a look at it.
▷ Host Town Leaflet-Towards the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games-(PDF: 3,530KB)

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