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Yokohama City Assistive device cost special subsidy

Last updated on December 1, 2024.

Guidance of Yokohama-shi assistive device costs special subsidy

 From December 1, 2024, the payment of assistive device costs under the Comprehensive Support for Persons with Disabilities Act will be provided to persons with disabilities 18 years or older who are not eligible due to excess income, purchase, borrow or repair of assistive devices (hereinafter referred to as "purchase, etc.") We will start a system to subsidize some of the costs related to
 About the flow of assistive devices targeted for the furtherance and supply, it conforms to the "Assistive device cost payment system based on the Comprehensive Support for Persons with Disabilities Act".

About target person
[Target persons]

Those who have a certificate of the physically disabled and who have a municipal tax income percent of 460,000 yen or more, incurable disease patients who are eligible for disability welfare services, etc.


We will support 70% of the cost related to the purchase of assistive devices. However, the amount of subsidy to the same person within the same year is limited to 600,000 yen.


Handbook for the physically handicapped, medical certificate or specific illness medical care certificate for patients with incurable disease, medical (judgment) statement of opinion, municipal tax taxation certificate (one who has been transferred from outside the city) ※Please consult at the counter in advance.

[Window]Health and Welfare Center Elderly and Disabled Support Division

Events of assistive devices
Safety for the visually impairedBracelet
ProsthesesPosture holding equipment
EyeglassesWheelchair ※The Long-term Care Insurance priority
Hearing aidsElectric wheelchair ※The Long-term Care Insurance priority
Cochlear implants (limited to voice signal processing devices) ※Repair onlyWalker ※The Long-term Care Insurance priority
ProsthesesProsthetic handWalking aid ※The Long-term Care Insurance priority
ProsthesesSevere communication equipment

Guidance for citizens (information on special subsidies pertaining to the purchase of assistive devices) (PDF: 821KB)
Outline of special subsidy of expense to affect Yokohama-shi assistive device purchase (PDF: 187KB)

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Inquiries to this page

Disability Independence Support Division, Health and Social Welfare Bureau Disability Welfare and Health Department

Phone: 045-671-3891

Phone: 045-671-3891

Fax: 045-671-3566

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 282-788-675


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