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Delivery and repair of assistive devices

Last updated on December 1, 2024.

Delivery and repair of assistive devices (Personal and Support Act)

Thing about target person and application
[Target persons]incurable disease Patients who have a certificate of the physically disabled and who are eligible for disability welfare services
[Expenses]In principle, 10% burden (with a monthly upper limit)

Handbook for the physically handicapped, a medical certificate showing the name of the disease or a specific illness medical care certificate, aincurable disease patient who knows my number, a quote, a medical (judgment) statement, a municipal tax tax certificate (transferred from outside the city) Only when confirming support under 16 years of age)
※Persons with disabilities over the age of 18 who are not eligible for the assistive device cost payment system based on the Comprehensive Support for Persons with Disabilities Act due to excess income may be eligible for the special subsidy for assistive device costs. For more information, please contact Elderly and Disabled Support Division in your ward.
※You need to apply in advance.

[Window]Health and Welfare Center, each district

Events of assistive devices
Safety for the visually impairedBraceletCommunication equipment for persons with severe disabilities
ProsthesesPosture holding equipmentSitting chair ※Under 18 years old
EyeglassesWheelchair ※The Long-term Care Insurance priorityStanding holdings ※Under 18 years old
Hearing aidsElectric wheelchair ※The Long-term Care Insurance priorityHead holder ※Under 18 years old
Cochlear implants (limited to voice signal processing devices) ※Repair onlyWalker ※The Long-term Care Insurance priorityDefecation aid ※Under 18 years old
ProsthesesProsthetic handWalking aid ※The Long-term Care Insurance priority 

Yokohama-shi person with a disability (child) assistive device costs supply office work handling summary (PDF: 211KB)

The point about registration of assistive device company pertaining to proxy receipt of Yokohama-shi assistive device costs (PDF: 450KB)

List of assistive device registered establishments (as of February 1, 2025) (Excel: 115KB)

Click here for news to business operators

Click here for announcements to users.

Click here for the special subsidy for assistive device costs

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Inquiries to this page

Disability Independence Support Division, Health and Social Welfare Bureau Disability Welfare and Health Department

Phone: 045-671-3891

Phone: 045-671-3891

Fax: 045-671-3566

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 704-798-040


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