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[finished] Yokohama City Disability Discrimination Elimination Study Group

Last updated on March 14, 2022.

Yokohama-shi person with a disability discrimination cancellation study group is Yokohama-shi person with a disability to examine future approach in Yokohama-shi for the enforcement of law about promotion of cancellation of discrimination based on disability (disability discrimination cancellation law). It is a subcommittee established as a specialized committee of the Measures Promotion Council.
We had you examine from November, 2014 to September, 2015, and, as summary of examination, "about approach of Yokohama-shi with enforcement of disability discrimination cancellation law (proposal)" on November 12, 2015 I received it.
Receipt of the proposal
Press release document (PDF: 447KB)
Press release document (text file: 2KB)
Please take a look at it.

About approach of Yokohama-shi with enforcement of disability discrimination cancellation law (proposal)

Schedule and agenda (finished meeting)

Schedule and agenda (finished meeting)
Time Date and time Location

Agenda item

Materials and Minutes

Thursday, September 29, 2015
10:00 am to 12:00 am

5th floor of City Hall
Office of Related Organizations

1 Opening
(Confirmation and explanation of handouts)
2. Agenda
(1) About plan of "proposal to city"
3 Others (Contacts, etc.)

A set of materials on the day (PDF: 465KB)
A set of materials on the day (with ruby) (PDF: 691KB)
Set of materials on the day (text file: 58KB)
Minutes (text file: 31KB)
Minutes (with ruby) (PDF: 303KB)
Minutes (text file: 31KB)


Thursday, August 20, 2015
10:00 am to 12:00 am

5th floor of City Hall
Office of Related Organizations

1 Opening
(Confirmation and explanation of handouts)
2. Agenda
(1) About approach that city should perform (the last continuation)
(2) About thing that company in the city should wrestle
(3) About what we want citizens to work on
(4) About plan of "proposal to city"
3 Others (Contacts, etc.)

A set of materials on the day (PDF: 343KB)
A set of materials on the day (with ruby) (PDF: 449KB)
A set of materials on the day (text file: 43KB)
Minutes (PDF: 210KB)
Minutes (with ruby) (PDF: 289KB)
Minutes (text file: 27KB)


Tuesday, July 21, 2015
2:00 pm to 4:00 pm

5th floor of City Hall
Office of Related Organizations

1 Opening
(Confirmation and explanation of handouts)
2. Agenda
(1) Case publication (Report)
(2) About confirmation of classification of examples up to the previous time
(3) About approach that city should perform
3 Others (Contacts, etc.)

A set of materials on the day (PDF: 271KB)
A set of materials on the day (with ruby) (PDF: 308KB)
Set of materials on the day (text file: 9KB)
Minutes (PDF: 222KB)
Minutes (with ruby) (PDF: 304KB)
Minutes (text file: 30KB)


Tuesday, June 16, 2015
2:00 pm to 4:00 pm

5th floor of City Hall
Office of Related Organizations

1 Opening
(Confirmation and explanation of handouts)
2. Agenda
(1) Announcement of Cases
(2) Regarding the provisions of the Act on the Elimination of Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities (confirmation)
(3) Confirmation of the classification of the previous case
(4) Classification of cases (continuation from the previous time)
3 Others (Contacts, etc.)

A set of materials on the day (PDF: 275KB)
A set of materials on the day (with ruby) (PDF: 342KB)
A set of materials on the day (text file: 13KB)
Minutes (PDF: 182KB)
Minutes (with ruby) (PDF: 240KB)
Minutes (text file: 13KB)


Thursday, May 14, 2015
10:00 am to 12:00 am

Yokohama City Training Center 702/703

1 Opening
(Confirmation and explanation of handouts)
2. Agenda
(1) About publication of results of case offer (report)
(2) Classification of cases received
(3) Future plans
3 Others (Contacts, etc.)

A set of materials on the day (PDF: 286KB)
A set of materials on the day (with ruby) (PDF: 321KB)
A set of materials on the day (text file: 14KB)
Minutes (PDF: 186KB)
Minutes (with ruby) (PDF: 262KB)
Minutes (text file: 26KB)


Tuesday, March 24, 2015
10:00 am to 12:00 am

5th floor of City Hall
Office of Related Organizations

1 Opening
(Confirmation and explanation of handouts)
2. Agenda
(1) Results of case recruitment
(2) Classification of cases received
(3) Regarding the arrangement of issues (imports to be considered in the future)
3 Others (Contacts, etc.)

A set of materials on the day (PDF: 223KB)

A set of materials on the day (with ruby) (PDF: 265KB)

A set of materials on the day (text file: 39KB)

Minutes (PDF: 178KB)

Minutes (with ruby) (PDF: 253KB)
Minutes (text file: 25KB)


Tuesday, February 24, 2015
2:00 pm to 4:00 pm

Yokohama City Training Center 401/402

1 Opening
(Confirmation and explanation of handouts)
2. Agenda
(1) Implementation status of case recruitment (interim report)
(2) Arrangement, publication, and future utilization of cases received
(3) Schedule adjustment for the 5th and thereafter
3 Others (Contacts, etc.)

A set of materials on the day (PDF: 154KB)
A set of materials on the day (with ruby) (PDF: 174KB)
Set of materials on the day (text file: 5KB)
Minutes (PDF: 168KB)
Minutes (with ruby) (PDF: 217KB)
Minutes (text file: 17KB)


Thursday, December 11, 2014
10:00 am to 12:00 am

5th floor of City Hall
Office of Related Organizations

1 Opening
(Confirmation and explanation of handouts)
2. Agenda
(1) About recruitment of cases that seem to be discrimination against persons with disabilities and cases of good reasonable accommodation
3 Others (Contacts, etc.)

A set of materials on the day (PDF: 250KB)
A set of materials on the day (with ruby) (PDF: 248KB)
Set of materials on the day (text file: 8KB)
Minutes (PDF: 181KB)
Minutes (with ruby) (PDF: 241KB)
Minutes (text file: 22KB)


Tuesday, November 4, 2014
10:00 am to 12:00 am

5th floor of City Hall
Office of Related Organizations

1 Opening
2. Director of Disability Welfare
(Confirmation and explanation of handouts)
3. Self-introduction
4 Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman
5. Agenda
(1) About promises at meeting of Yokohama-shi disability discrimination cancellation examination sectional meeting
(2) Disability Discrimination Law (Explanation from the Secretariat)
(3) Future Schedule
6 Others (Contacts, etc.)

A set of materials on the day (PDF: 597KB)
A set of materials on the day (with ruby) (PDF: 646KB)
A set of materials on the day (text file: 31KB)
Minutes (PDF: 203KB)
Minutes (with ruby) (PDF: 187KB)
Minutes (text file: 13KB)

Committee member list

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Inquiries to this page

Promotion Section, Disability Measures Promotion Section, Health and Social Welfare Bureau Disability Welfare and Health Department

Phone: 045-671-3598

Phone: 045-671-3598

Fax: 045-671-3566

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 479-639-988


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