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- Housing renovation costs in The Long-term Care Insurance
- Housing renovation costs in The Long-term Care Insurance
Last updated on February 18, 2025.
The text is from here.
Housing renovation costs in The Long-term Care Insurance
This is a page for citizens. For business establishments, please see the page for businesses.
90% of the cost (in the case of a 10% burden) of the cost (in the case of a 10% burden) will be reimbursed by the insurer (Yokohama City) as The Long-term Care Insurance's payment fee within a certain limit.
- Target: Support required, care recipients
- Limit: 200,000 yen (insurance payment 180,000 yen (in case of 10% burden))
- The user burden for those with a certain level of income is 20% (insurance payment 160,000 yen) or 30% (insurance payment 140,000 yen) ※It will be.
※The introduction of 30% burden was started in August 2018. - The burden ratio as of the payment date of the renovation cost (date of receipt) will be applied.
For income above a certain level, please refer to the user burden of the service (PDF: 475KB).
- The user burden for those with a certain level of income is 20% (insurance payment 160,000 yen) or 30% (insurance payment 140,000 yen) ※It will be.
Flow of Procedure
(1) Consult with a care manager, etc. (A statement of reasons created by the care manager, etc. is always required.)
If there is no care manager, consult the ward office elderly (disability) support section.
(2) Consult with the ward office Insurance and Pension Division in advance about the details of housing renovation
If you request construction from a receipt commission payment handling company, you can do the construction simply by paying the user's share. (Housing renovation work can be handled even if it is not a registered company.)
See the list of registered businesses for receipt commission payment (move to the page for businesses)
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3) Application for housing renovation expenses to the ward office Insurance and Pension Division
Prior application before construction starts is required.
Documents required before construction starts
- The Long-term Care Insurance benefit payment application form (Excel: 23KB) <Entry example> (Excel: 28KB)
- Statement input sheet 3 (Excel: 34KB) <Entry example> (Excel: 34KB)
- Reason for needing house renovation (Excel: 23KB) <Entry example> (Excel: 18KB)
- Power of Attorney for Application and Receipt of The Long-term Care Insurance Benefits (when requested construction from a commissioned payment company)
- Estimate
- Estimated amount breakdown (standard style) (Excel: 13KB), <Entry example> (PDF: 699KB)
- Breakdown of Estimated Amounts
You can use the above standard style or the style for each business establishment.
When using the format of each business site, clarify the renovation site for each of the six sections covered by The Long-term Care Insurance and describe the material costs, construction costs, and various expenses appropriately.
- Breakdown of Estimated Amounts
- Photos before construction work (with date)
- Those that show the status of completion (using photos or simple diagrams)
- Approval letter for house renovation (rental housing, etc.) (word: 15KB)
- Copy of lease agreement (rental housing, etc.)
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(4) Received "Notice Concerning Housing Renovation"
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Construction and completion
(5) Refund of housing renovation expenses (no procedure required if requested to a commissioned payment company)
Documents required after construction work
- Receipt (in the case of commission payment, a copy of the receipt given to the insured person)
- Breakdown of Construction
- Photos after construction work (with date)
- Total cost statement and confirmation of housing renovation (in the case of receipt commission payment)
Notice Concerning Revision of seal Signatures to Application Forms
seal signatures on applications submitted to Motoichi will be abolished sequentially from March 1, 2021.
The details of the review of seal's signature on applications required for housing renovation expenses are on this page (Excel: 10KB).
About partial revision of "supply of home care house repair costs and care prevention house repair costs"
On July 13, 2018, the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare sent a notice.
Please refer to the following.
About housing renovation optimization business
Document screening and visit surveys for individual applications by persons with specialized knowledge of the welfare and living environment were completed on March 31, 2012. Thank you very much for your cooperation.
In addition, at each ward office, we confirm whether it is appropriate as target of insurance payment depending on whether applied construction becomes repair suitable for insured person in future. At that time, we may ask questions or confirm the details of the construction, so please continue to cooperate.
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Inquiries to this page
Health and Social Welfare Bureau Senior Health and Welfare Department The Long-term Care Insurance Division
Phone: 045-671-4255
Phone: 045-671-4255
Fax: 045-550-3614
E-Mail address kf-kaigokyufu@city.yokohama.lg.jp
Page ID: 419-857-674