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Preventing care from being healthy
Last updated on November 5, 2024.
●GoGo Health! -Aiming to extend healthy life expectancy ~
●Let's work on frail prevention with the aim of extending healthy life expectancy!
●Fla! Fla! Prevention of frail! Leaflet
●Fail prevention to work on from today! “Four Pillars” + “Three Initiatives”
●Exercise <Building the body to keep moving>
●Oral (mouth function) <Maintaining chewing and swallowing power>
●Nutrition <Building a healthy body by eating well evenly>
●Social participation <Connected with people and communities through outings, exchanges, and participation>
●Fla! Fla! Frail Prevention Support Guidebook
●Fla! Fla! Prevention of frail! -The beginning of the frail starts with small changes on a daily basis ~ (video content)
●Mental health
●Cognitive function
●Health and Medical Care
●Energy-building station
●About "place of commuting" ※Go to another page
GoGo Health! -Aiming to extend healthy life expectancy ~
※"Go Go Health!" This is a nickname for the community development Nursing Care Prevention Project in Yokohama.
The aging rate of Yokohama City is about 25%, and we are entering a super-aging society.
It is estimated that the number of elderly people will exceed 960,000 in Reiwa 7 (2025), when the baby boomers will be 75 years or older, and the aging rate will be about 26%.
In addition, from 2015 (2015) to Reiwa 7 (2025), the number of late-elderly people (75 years or older) was about 400,000 to about 580,000, and the number of certified persons requiring nursing care was about 150,000 to about 210,000, and the number of elderly people with dementia is expected to about 1400, both are expected to about 1400000,00000,0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Long-term Care Insurance Premium is also expected to rise as service users increase due to the rapid increase in the number of certified persons requiring long-term care.
Even as society as a whole is aging, isn't it what everyone wants to say, "I want to spend every day energetically and energetically." No matter how old you are, it is important to extend your "healthy life expectancy" in order to live a healthy and independent life and stay active.
What is the difference?
"Healthy life expectancy" is "the period during which you can live without restrictions on your daily life due to health problems."
The difference between the average life expectancy and healthy life expectancy in Yokohama City is 9.85 for men and 12.56 for women in 2016.
Healthy life expectancy is an indispensable element for living lively and actively living life.
Let's work on frail prevention with the aim of extending healthy life expectancy!
※"Fla! Fla! Frail prevention!" This is a nickname for promoting frail prevention in Yokohama City.
In one study, the most affected factor in obtaining certification for long-term care was the frail preliminary group (prefrail).
Therefore, it is expected that improving the frail condition and taking measures to prevent frail will have a positive effect on extending healthy life expectancy.
Fla! Fla! Prevention of frail! Leaflet
We have created a leaflet that summarizes "Fail Prevention" in an easy-to-understand manner. Here are some of the daily life flail checks and specific initiatives to prevent frail.
Fla! Fla! Prevention of frail! Leaflet (PDF: 1,388KB)
What is the difference?
※Life functions refer to the entire functions necessary for people to live in society. Changes in mental and physical functions also affect daily functions.
Frail means that as you age or get sick, your body's mental function (work) such as physical strength, energy, and cognitive function declines, and the risk of needing nursing care in the future increases. I mean
Frail is an "intermediate state" between "health" and "needing nursing care", and maintenance and improvement of the condition can be expected by early notice and prevention.
Even if you think you're okay, you may actually have a hidden flail.
In the “Health and Living Survey” conducted by the City of Yokohama for the elderly, the number of elderly people was 100.
31.6% are frail reserve groups, and 13.9% are frails.
The beginning of the frail is due to small changes on a daily basis.
Various factors, such as small changes in the body, mind, cognitive function, etc., and changes in social life (going out, connections with people and society), affect each other, leading to frail.
Frails, for example, "I'm going out more than before, and I'm less interacting with people," "I've lost my physical strength and muscle strength," "I'm harder to chew," "I'm easier to get hungry," It starts with small changes such as "I've lost appetite and weight."
To prevent frail, it is important to be aware of small changes and to make the efforts of "four pillars: exercise, oral cavity, nutrition, and social participation" into a habit in daily life from an early stage.
First of all, let's incorporate one element, such as exercise and nutrition, into everyday life from something that is easy to work on!
Daily Lifestyle Fail Checks
How is your current health condition?
Frails can start with small changes, from which the frail can progress in a chain.
In order to notice small changes, let's do a "fail check for daily life".
First, check each item and if there is any item that applies at least one item.
"Fail prevention to work on today! Let's check “Four Pillars” + “Three Initiatives”.
※Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare) Second Edition of Health Business Guidelines based on the characteristics of the elderly (FY2019) Partial modification of Questionnaire for Elderly People
Fla! Fla! Frail Prevention Support Guidebook
Fla! Fla! Frail Prevention Support Guidebook
Under the supervision of the Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Health and Longevity Medical Center Social Participation and Healthy Aging Research Team, a text for local human resources to promote and spread flail prevention, "Fla! Fla! "Frail Prevention Support Guidebook" has been created. We will introduce in detail the points of frail prevention, points for working in the community, exercise, nutrition, oral cavity, and social participation programs.
Fla! Fla! Fail Prevention Support Guidebook (PDF: 17,582KB)
Tokyo Metropolitan Health and Longevity Medical Center
Recreation collection
Recreation is expected to boost the association and promote communication within the group, as well as improve motor and acknowledgement functions. There are 20 types of recreation in the collection. Please take advantage of this recreation collection to revitalize your group.
Recreation collection (PDF: 1,458KB)
Fla! Fla! Prevention of frail! -The beginning of the frail starts with small changes on a daily basis ~ (video content)
The points of frail prevention are summarized in three videos in an easy-to-understand manner. Check it out!
What is Chapter 1 Frail? (External site)
Chapter 2 Exercise and Social Participation (Outside Site)
Chapter 3 Oral and Nutrition (outside site)
Cooperation: Professor Yoshinori Fujiwara, Deputy Director, Social Sciences, Institute of Health and Longevity Medical Center, Tokyo
Fail prevention to work on from today! “Four Pillars” + “Three Initiatives”
Exercise <Building the body to keep moving>
In order to maintain your health, it is important to maintain your current physical strength, bones and muscle strength.
●Locomo ※Let's prevent it!
※Locomo is an abbreviation for Locomotive Syndrome. Exercise equipment disorders such as muscle weakness due to aging and bone and joint diseases occur, and mobility such as "standing, sitting, and walking" is reduced.
In the "Elderly People Survey" conducted by Yokohama City in FY2019, Locomo occupies the top reasons for certification for support required. (Refer to the figure on the right)
GoGo Health! Locomo Prevention Strategy (Leaflet) (PDF: 1,756KB)
GoGo Health! Locomo Prevention Strategy (Explanatory Text) (PDF: 1,059KB)
●In order to maintain your physical strength, take a walk or walk for about 20 to 30 minutes a day (standard).
●Add a little muscle training every day to keep your bones and muscle strength.
●Exercise and stretch to increase your body's flexibility.
We recommend that you include both muscle training and stretching elements.
This is Yokohama City's original training "Hamatre".
There are 20 types of hamatre in 60 minutes, and hamatre.
There is a "Hamatre (Experience)" that allows you to easily perform 11 types of exercises in 5 minutes according to the Yokohama city song.
Hamatre Experience Leaflet
Oral (mouth function) <Maintaining chewing and swallowing power>
Oral flail that could lead to a decline in function of the whole body ※It is important to prevent it.
※Oral frail is a decline in mouth function that occurs with aging.
The beginning is a trivial decline, such as "it became easier to eat" and "it became difficult to eat hard food."
●Prevent cavity and periodontal disease with daily brushing, and keep your mouth clean.
●Have a family dentist and get appropriate advice.
●Train your chewing, swallowing, and tongue by exercising your mouth.
If you want to know more in detail, oral frail prevention leaflet "Eating forever" (PDF: 927KB)
Introduces "mouth exercises" that are effective in preventing oral frail.
Nutrition <Building a healthy body by eating well evenly>
In the elderly age, for example, lack of food due to a decrease in appetite or a decrease in dietary intake may result in lack of nutrition without realizing it.
Thinness and lack of nutrition can reduce resistance and lead to lower body weighting.
It is important to stop coarse food, eat well every day, and prevent thinness and poor nutritional status (malnutrition).
●Try to eat three meals a day, a well-balanced diet, including a variety of foods.
●Don't forget to take the protein that builds muscles to maintain muscle strength.
●10 food groups that you want to actively eat every day
※It's okay if you're in a little food!
Social participation <Connected with people and communities through outings, exchanges, and participation>
In order to maintain mental and physical health, it is also important to connect with people and participate in local communities.
●Have an opportunity to go out at least once a day to prevent housebound.
(I make a small business, go out, shop with someone, walk, etc.)
●To avoid being isolated, interact with friends and acquaintances at least once a week.
●Make use of your knowledge and experience to participate in fun and rewarding activities for your health benefits.
(Participation in commuting places such as Neighborhood Associations, volunteers, and energy-building stations)
●If you want to know more details, please refer to the Social Capital Promotion page of Health and Social Welfare Bureau Health and Welfare Division.
※Social capital is a word that describes the connection between people, and is also expressed as "local power" or "the power of residents".
Social capital has been shown to have a positive effect on health.
<Introduction of volunteer-related businesses>
●Hama Bono (Yokohamapro Bono)
This is a volunteer activity in which people of all ages form a team and support local activity groups for about 3 to 4 months, utilizing their work experience.
●Yokohama Senior Volunteer Point
When elderly people volunteer at nursing homes, etc., points accumulate, and donations and cash can be made according to points.
Mental health
To prevent frail, mental health is also important.
●Let's rest and sleep well.
●If you have any problems in your life, consult a familiar consultation organization (ward office or community care plaza).
●If you have any worrisome symptoms, consult a specialized medical institution.
Cognitive function
Degradation of cognitive function is a major risk factor for flail.
●Let's promote activation of brain by working on exercise, nutrition improvement, social activities, etc.
●If you are worried about forgetfulness, first consult your GP.
●Let's visit Yokohama City forgetful health check-up once a year.
Forgetful health check-up Information Page
Health and Medical Care
To prevent frail, it is important to know your health condition and control diseases such as lifestyle-related diseases.
●Let's consult "Kenshin" once a year to know your health condition.
▶Specified Health Checkups of Yokohama City National Health Insurance
▶Yokohama Health Checkups for people aged 75 and over
▶Cancer screening in Yokohama City
●Hypertension, diabetes, obesity, etc. cause arteriosclerosis and not only increase the risk of stroke and dementia, but also accelerate the flail.
In order to control diseases such as lifestyle-related diseases, have a GP and consult regularly to take medicine according to your doctor's prescription.
●By improving lifestyle such as exercise and diet, further treatment effects can be expected.
Do you not participate in approach of health promotion, care prevention (frail prevention) of Yokohama-shi?
Lectures and lectures on care prevention (frail prevention)
In Yokohama City, lectures and lectures on preventive care (frail prevention) are held at ward offices and community care plazas.
Contact information
Energy-building station
"Genki-zukuri Station" is a group activity that works with friends to prevent nursing care and promote health in familiar areas. Currently, more than 300 groups are engaged in various activities in the city.
Contact information
"Gymnamics" "Muscle training", "Walking", "Cogni size", etc.
Cheerful station flyer
Image of energy-building station activities
Cheerful station flyer (PDF: 2,786KB)
Contact information
Ward | TEL | FAX number |
Tsurumi | 510-1775 | 510-1897 |
Kanagawa | 411-7110 | 324-3702 |
West | 320-8410 | 290-3422 |
Medium | 224-8167 | 224-8159 |
South | 341-1140 | 341-1144 |
Konan | 847-8419 | 845-9809 |
Hodogaya | 334-6328 | 331-6550 |
Asahi | 954-6125 | 955-2675 |
Isogo | 750-2418 | 750-2540 |
Kanazawa | 788-7777 | 786-8872 |
Kohoku | 540-2327 | 540-2396 |
Green | 930-2311 | 930-2310 |
Green leaves | 978-2449 | 978-2427 |
Tsuzuki | 948-2306 | 948-2490 |
Tozuka | 866-8439 | 881-1755 |
Sakae | 894-8415 | 893-3083 |
Spring | 800-2435 | 800-2513 |
Seya | 367-5716 | 364-2346 |
Call center | 664-2525 | 664-2828 |
For community care plazas in charge of your district, please contact us.
You can also search on the elderly living selection support site "Fukushirabe" (outside site).
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Inquiries to this page
Health and Social Welfare Bureau Elderly Health and Welfare Department Regional Comprehensive Care Promotion Section
Phone: 045-671-3464
Phone: 045-671-3464
Fax: 045-550-4096
E-Mail address [email protected]
Page ID: 345-993-819