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- Yokohama-shi Health Checkups
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Yokohama-shi Health Checkups
Last updated on March 15, 2024.
Yokohama-shi Health Checkups
The next person can visit Health Checkups, Yokohama, which is carried out by Yokohama. For more information, please click the link below.
- Elderly medical care system insured person living in the city ※1
- Those aged 40 or older among social security recipients living in the city (including those aged 40 by the end of the fiscal year)
- Those who are 40 years old or older who live in the city and apply to the Chinese residual Japanese support benefit system (including those who turn 40 by the end of the fiscal year) ※2
Announcement of Health Checkups, Yokohama
※1 Persons eligible for the medical system for elder senior citizens are those who fall under any of the following.
Oh, 75 years or older (from the 75th birthday)
B. Those who are 65 years old or older and under 75 years old and have a certain degree of disability and have been certified by the Regional Coalition (from the date of certification)
※2 Eligible Japanese nationals who remain in China are those who meet all of the following conditions and their spouses.
Oh, person born after April 2, 1911
B. Persons born before December 31, 1946
(C) Those who have Address in Japan for at least one year from the date of return to permanent residence
D. Those who have returned to permanent residence for the first time after April 1, 1961
Inquiries to this page
Health and Social Welfare Bureau Health Promotion Division
Phone: 045-671-2451
Phone: 045-671-2451
Fax: 045-663-4469
E-Mail address [email protected]
Page ID: 935-221-705