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Senior x purpose of life matching business Yokohama positive aging

Last updated on September 17, 2024.

Senior x purpose of life matching business About Yokohama positive aging


With the age of 100 years of life, life after the age of 60 has become longer. With the diversification of ways of interacting with the community and working styles, there are senior generations who are free to select or combine various options according to their own interests, physical strength, and circumstances. . "Yokohama Positive Aging" is a program that connects senior generations with the activities of local organizations and companies. After taking basic courses, individuals and groups can participate in local activities.
"I want to do something but have no chance," "I want to contribute to the community," "I want to get new learning."
We look forward to your participation.

Activities to Participate

① Activities that lead to social participation (paid or free volunteers) of senior generations who can utilize the knowledge and experience cultivated in work, etc.
 ※Activities that are different from working
② Activities cut out from local organizations, companies, etc. in a form that matches the characteristics and wishes of the individual.
③ Activities to improve the region, such as solving local issues and promoting local industries, to realize a community-friendly society.

Target person

Those who are approximately 60 years old or older and are interested in activities in the area where they can utilize the knowledge and experience cultivated through work etc.

Flow of Business (Flow of Courses and Practice)

First of all, let's take a basic course.
After taking the basic course, we will match opportunities for individuals and groups to participate in activities at local companies and organizations.
There are two types of activities in companies and organizations:
− “Skill matching” that closely matches the needs of students ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ For those who have taken basic courses, we will individually support matching activities at companies and organizations.
− “Team Challenge” to address the needs of companies and organizations: We will recruit applicants among those who have attended group activities in advance, create a group of 3 to 4 people, and work on activities in companies and organizations. .

Business Flow (Figure)

[End] Yokohama Positive Aging 2024 Kick-off Event

Overview of Kickoff Event

Date and time: Wednesday, September 4 from 18:30 to 20:00 (reception starts at 18:00)
Location: 1st floor auditorium of Yokohama Port Opening Memorial Hall (1-6 Honmachi, Naka-ku, Yokohama) (external site)
   ※Please use public transportation.
Contents: ・Lecture "The Future Society in which Active Seniors play an active role"
    Lecturer: Professor Tsunetaka Ishiyama, Graduate School of Policy Creation, Hosei University
   ・About the activities of the Yokohama Positive Aging program and the schedule of future courses
Click here for the kick-off event report (PDF: 652KB)

[End] Basic course

This is a series of two lectures to learn the basics of Yokohama Positive Aging activities.

Basic course (Nishi Ward)

1st Friday, September 20, 2024 18: 30-20: 30
Theme: Why don't you try it? Creating a place to stay from "Enjoy"
Lecturer: Shiono Sawaoka (Associate Professor, Department of Health Management, Tokai University)

The 2nd Friday, October 4, 2024 18: 30-20: 30
Theme: Know yourself and improve your connection skills! Self-Discovery and Communication Improvement Course
Lecturer: Eri Oka (Representative Director, Lively Co., Ltd.)

Venue (1st and 2nd common): Meeting Room 1.2, Nippon-Maru Memorial Park Training Center
(2-1-1 Minatomirai, Nishi-ku, Nishi-ku, 5-minute walk from JR NEGISHI LINE Sakuragi-cho Sta. or Minato Mirai Line Bashamichi Station.)
※Please use public transportation.

Basic course (Kanazawa Ward)

1st Wednesday, September 25, 2024 18: 30-20: 30
Theme: Let's step on the first step-help to find your place-
Lecturer: Masataka Kuraoka (Researcher, Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Health and Longevity Medical Center)
Venue: Yokohama City University Kanazawa Hakkei Campus YCU Square 202
(22-2 Seto, Kanazawa-ku, Yokohama-shi, 5-minute walk from Kanazawa Hakkei Station on the Keihinkyuko Line Seaside Line)
※Please use public transportation.

2nd Wednesday, October 9, 2024 18: 30-20: 30
Theme: Know yourself and improve your connection skills! Self-Discovery and Communication Improvement Course
Lecturer: Eri Oka (Representative Director, Lively Co., Ltd.)
Venue: Yokohama City University Kanazawa Hakkei Campus Main Building 208
(22-2 Seto, Kanazawa-ku, Yokohama-shi, 5-minute walk from Kanazawa Hakkei Station on the Keihinkyuko Line Seaside Line)
※Please use public transportation.

Basic course (Tsuzuki Ward  )

1st Thursday, October 3, 2024 18: 30-20: 30
Theme: What does it mean to live in a productive way?
Lecturer: Yuka Saito (Professor, Faculty of Human Sciences, Kanagawa University)

The 2nd Friday, October 18, 2024 from 18:30 to 20:30
Theme: Know yourself and improve your connection skills! Self-Discovery and Communication Improvement Course
Lecturer: Eri Oka (Representative Director, Lively Co., Ltd.)

Venue (1st and 2nd common): Tsuzuki Ward   Health and Welfare Center Kakehashi Tsuzuki Multipurpose Training Room
(4-10-3 Eda-Higashi, Tsuzuki-ku, Kohoku New Town Town Development Center)
※Please use public transportation.

Team Challenge Preliminary Course

This is a course to learn advance knowledge and the flow of the program for participating in Team Challenge.
Those who have taken basic courses in either Nishi Ward, Kanazawa Ward or Tsuzuki Ward   are eligible. The application method will be notified separately to the students of the basic course.

1st Wednesday, October 23, 2024 18: 30-20: 30
Theme: Meet "friends" and contribute to the community
Lecturer: Momoko Takase (Kannai Innovation Initiative Co., Ltd.)

The 2nd Wednesday, October 30, 2024 18: 30-20: 30
Theme: Organization and Management of NPOs Learned from Cases
Lecturer: Yuka Haruta (Executive Officer, Kannai Innovation Initiative Co., Ltd.)

Venue (1st and 2nd common): Yokohama Port Opening Memorial Hall Meeting Room No. 1 (1-6 Honmachi, Naka-ku, Yokohama)
※Please use public transportation.

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