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Homeless Support Measures

Last updated on January 6, 2025.


Please click item which you want to see about homeless support measures of Yokohama-shi.

1 Independence support system for the poor in life

On April 1, 2015, the Living Independence Support Act (hereinafter referred to as the "Povery Law") was enforced. . By the enforcement of this poor law, some of the homeless support measures that Motoichi has promoted so far will be implemented based on the poor law. Among homeless support measures of Motoichi, approach based on the poor law is as follows.

(1) Life independence support facilities operate a maze

In addition to providing accommodation and meals to those in need of living who do not have a certain degree of residence, we provide accommodation and meals, provide physical checkup, and provide daily necessities necessary for daily life. I am.
In addition, we carry out "facility-type independence consultation support project" for independence of this temporary life support project user. In this business, we create a support plan for each user and provide consultation support such as employment for independence and coordination of the use of welfare services. . If you need to use welfare services after leaving the facility, we will also take over the support.
In addition, as support to homeless people who are actually living on the street, etc., we patrol the city and provide consultation support. This patrol activity is carried out as an outreach activity of the “Facility-type Independent Consultation Support Project”.
Life independence support facilities support contents of maze

Oh, temporary life support project

  • Contents of support: Provision of sleeping food, clothing, daily necessities, etc., and conduct medical examinations
  • Period of use: In principle, within 3 months. Maximum extension Up to 6 months (use period is determined by the support plan in B)
Temporary life support project results (capacity: 250 people)
Fiscal year20182019202020212022
Total number of employees714 people661 people454 people334 people318 people

B. Facility-type independence consultation support

  • Contents of support: Creation of support plans based on individual assessment results, implementation of support based on the plan, adjustment of the use of support organizations necessary after leaving the facility, etc.

Outreach activities (tour consultation)

We provide consultation support for homeless people who are actually living on the street. Night street consultations around Kannai Station and Yokohama Station, which have been conducted in the past, are being conducted as part of outreach activities.
In addition, about twice a week, a nurse accompanies this patrol consultation to provide health consultation.

Outreach activities
Fiscal year20182019202020212022
Number of Consultations1,318 cases1,133 cases1,316 cases1,175 cases1,316 cases

Oh, life independence support facility designation management

Life independence support facility Hamakaze selects management administration entity using designated manager system and entrusts facility administration.
About designated management of life independence support facility Hamakaze, please see "life independence support facility designation management".

(2) Inquiry counter

Consultations about those who have lost their place to live or those who may lose their place to live are accepted by the City Health and Welfare Center Life Support Division, Life Support Section.
Living independence support facility performs procedure to entrance to makaze through ward Health and Welfare Center life support section life support section.
Contact information of each ward Health and Welfare Center Life Support Division

2 Implementation plan for support for independence of homeless in Yokohama City

In accordance with the "Special Measures Law Concerning Support for Homeless Independence" and the "Basic Policy on Support for Homeless Independence" announced by the government based on this law, Yokohama City has formulated the "Implementation Plan for Supporting Homeless Independence" in order to promote comprehensive independence support measures for homeless people.
Since the previous 4th plan was completed at the end of 2023, the 5th Yokohama City, which newly showed the direction of basic measures related to homeless independence support from 2024 to 2028. Implementation plan for support for independence of homeless homeless "has been formulated.

About the implementation plan about support of independence of the fifth Yokohama-shi homeless

About opinion offer [offer was finished]

On development of plan, we carried out citizen opinion offer from December 19, 2023 to January 17, 2024.

Press release materials

3 Survey of Homelessness

Every year, Yokohama City conducts a visual survey of the approximate number of homeless people in the city.

[Results of Survey of Homelessness] Based on the national survey on the actual situation of homelessness
Fiscal yearJanuary, 2019January, 2020January, 2021January, 2022January, 2023
Number of homeless people458 people381 people378 people285 people247 people

4 Free low-cost accommodation business

With regard to free low-cost accommodations, we have established the “Guidelines for Free Low-cost Accommodation Business” from the viewpoint of positioning them as one of the measures to support independence for homeless people.
For details, please refer to the "Free Low Price Lodging Business" page.

Homelessness and Human Rights

Please see the "Homeless and Human Rights" page for thoughts on the human rights of homeless in Yokohama City.
Homeless support measures in Yokohama City are implemented in cooperation with Kotobuki district measures and health and medical measures.
About Kotobuki district measures and health medical measures, please see "implementation plan about support of independence of Yokohama-shi homeless" (PDF: 5,138KB).

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Inquiries to this page

Health and Social Welfare Bureau Life Support Division Support Measures

Phone: 045-671-2425

Phone: 045-671-2425

Fax: 045-664-0403

E-Mail address [email protected]

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