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Homelessness and Human Rights

Last updated on September 26, 2024.

 What do you imagine when you hear "homelessness"? Some people may have images such as "lazy" or "a person different from yourself". From there, go one step further and think about why you became a homeless person. According to a national survey on the actual situation of homelessness conducted by the government, many people who worked before living on the street have been confirmed. In addition, it has been confirmed that they have become homeless due to various reasons that can happen to anyone, such as being restructured or being unable to work due to illness. Homelessness is not a "person who is different from me", but something that can happen to anyone.

 Unfortunately, there will be no attack on the homeless. Attacks and harassment have occurred all over the country. What you need is not to eliminate. It is to help people who are homeless to return to society.

In Motoichi, we devise "implementation plan about support of independence of Yokohama-shi homeless" and promote independence support of homeless and try for human rights enlightenment activity.

 We believe that recognizing discrimination against homeless people as a problem for society as a whole, understanding correctly, and supporting people who are socially vulnerable will lead to a more comfortable and warm society for each of us.

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